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Protect Me Alpha King novel Chapter 39

Elijah chuckled in reply. "Like her? No offense, River but there's only one woman that I like. And that's the woman tattooed on my back. I wanted to meet her and see with my own eyes whether she is true or just a figment of my imagination."

The alpha king glanced at me, "Are you disappointed, River? Do you expect him to like you?"

Disappointed? I was always disappointed, but did I have a choice? I did not. A slave should be unfeeling.

I smiled at him, hiding the bitterness in my heart. That was the only thing I could do.

"No, Your Majesty. I knew a long time ago no one would like me. I am a servant, Your Majesty. I always remember my place and that is behind the noble's back. And if you will punish me for escaping and for lying, I will gladly accept it, Your Majesty."

Elijah stood and placed himself in front of me. Clearing his throat, he said, “Your Majesty, I do not think there’s a need for that. For punishment, I mean. The truth is, River was kind enough to massage my back at the watchtower. Nothing else happened. Nothing scandalous. That is the truth.”

The alpha king narrowed his eyes. “You continue defending her? Perhaps both of you are in a relationship.”

As much as Elijah's protection comforted me, I stepped away. Nobles could not be trusted.

“We don’t have any relationship, Your Majesty. It is nothing but the truth. I can guarantee my life with it.”

His Majesty opened his mouth but closed it again when another knock resounded. The three of us looked at the door before I excused myself.

“I'll open it, Your Majesty,” I said and hurried towards the door.

"Your Majesty! They said I will find you here in the West Wing!" a shrill voice announced.

A beautiful woman who was white as the snowflakes entered, her eyes darting to every corner of the room until they landed on the alpha king. She jumped like a child upon seeing the alpha king.

Elijah facepalmed, and turned sideways.

The woman's eyes watered and without saying anything, she threw herself to the alpha king which nearly made the two of them fall backward.

A gasp escaped my lips.

Who is this newcomer?

The woman's armed snaked around the alpha king's neck.

"Your Majesty! I missed you so much that seeing you right now made my heart and my wolf sing with joy!" She kissed his cheeks on both sides, longer than intended. "Don't you miss me too?" she asked after. "You do not answer my letters, Your Majesty."

"I'm busy, Lady Juliana."

"Nonsense. No one should be busy when it comes to me. How about your phone, huh?"

Elijah cleared his throat while all I could do was watch the scene in front of me.

"I am not always bringing my phone with me," the alpha king responded and his eyes darted in my direction which I only answered with a frown.

From the woman's words, he was not the alpha king's half-sibling nor his concubine. This woman screamed royalty from the way she dressed except for the way she was behaving in front of His Majesty. She was childish. Like a spoiled brat who wanted the people around her to kneel. Period.

“Lady Juliana,” Elijah greeted, snatching her attention from the alpha king. “To what honor did you come here? The West Wing is far, yet you sacrificed in coming here. Perhaps you wanted to tell a very important matter to the alpha king?” he suggested.

Lady Juliana? What was the relationship between the two? Why was she acting as if he owned the alpha king? As if the two of them were close to each other as if they were childhood playmates? And why did it feel like tiny needles pierced my heart as I looked at them?

I shook my head. Nonsense. I wasn't jealous or anything like that. Alpha Erik was my ex-mate. Not the alpha king.

Careful not to gain the love bird's attention, I tiptoed and sauntered toward Elijah's side. “Who is she?”

“The alpha king’s fiancee.”

I was flabbergasted. The alpha king had a fiancee? Were they mates?

Too many questions but no answers. I was only torturing myself.

“Did I hear it right, Sir Elijah? She is the alpha king's fiancee?” I whispered back.

Elijah folded his arms in front of his chest, his face set in a hard stone.

“Yes, she is. Lady Juliana, despite knowing she has a mate, rejected him and wanted the alpha king as a mate for herself. Her poor mate is still grieving, still wanting to pursue her, but she keeps on rejecting her. A million times already.”

“Where is her mate?”

“He served as the alpha king’s delta.”

“And the alpha king knew about that?”

“No. I do not know for sure. Perhaps he did. Perhaps he did not.”

We continued staring at them and the more I saw it, it looked like the alpha king’s face was becoming constipated. He did not like the woman’s attention towards him. In fact, he was trying to move her away but she looked like a leech who wanted to suck all his energy.


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