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Protect Me Alpha King novel Chapter 42


"I will fight for Lady Juliana as long as I live, woman. No one will stop me."

I folded my arms and narrowed my eyes at him. What a stubborn man. "My name is not Woman but River. Could you please address me using my given name? I would be grateful for that. And you know what, Delta Isagani?”

He threw me an irritated look. “Get over it. Spill.”

Look at this man. He looked like a sheep around Lady Juliana, but when the latter was nowhere to be seen, he looked like a predator ready to pounce on his victims.

“We don't always have to fight. Sometimes, the best thing to do is to give up if our presence is no longer needed by someone, especially our mate. Let's save ourselves and pity ourselves once and for a while," I whispered.

Face reddening, he announced, "Lady Juliana will eventually learn that it is I she needed, not the alpha king. I will do everything I can if she wants me to do something for her. I can move heaven and earth for her. I can serve the head of her enemies on a platter if she wished for it."

A shiver ran down my spine when he uttered those words. He was willing to kill someone for Lady Juliana’s sake?

"Are you a fool, Delta Isagani? You will kill someone because of her? Don’t waste everything you have right now because of her. She is only hurting you.”

“She is not!”

“She is! How long will it enter in your thick skull that that woman rejected you?"

I knew it was forbidden for a slave to talk back to a noble using the tone I was using, but this man was sure testing my patience! I was only concerned about him. Why couldn’t he see that, huh? Perhaps the adage saying love is blind was true.

"I don't care! I love her more than my life!"

"Does she love you back, Delta Isagani? Is she willing to sacrifice just like yours?" He froze and hung his head low.

“She doesn't, right?” I pressed. I did not care if I was being insensitive, but he had to open his eyes and not waste his time on that kind of woman. “Open your eyes. When looked at you, she never saw you as her mate. She never glanced at you with longing in her eyes. Stop your foolishness. There are a lot of women who want your attention! I know it is difficult in the beginning but you will eventually accept it in the end."

I sauntered towards him. He did not move which gave me the confidence to pat his broad shoulder. He looked like a giant as he stood in front of me and I had to look up.

“I’m not trying to act like a love guru, okay?”

Still bowing his head, he asked, "How did you do it?"

"What are you referring to?"

"How did you overcome the rejection?"

I was taken aback by his question. "Well...someone helped me."


Sensing I could trust him and he also understood my pain, I answered, "The alpha king. He was the one who helped me. Little by little. I am not saying I already overcome the pain, but it does not hurt so much compared to the beginning. My mate was also of noble blood. An alpha to be precise."

If I did not seek revenge...if the alpha king was not there from the beginning, what would become of me now? Probably, I would be suffering more than Delta Isagani was experiencing right now.

At some point, I should be thankful to the alpha king for helping me.

"You will accept it as time goes on."

"I won't. And the next time we meet, do not act as if we are friends. Know your boundary. I am still a free man while you are a slave," he said and left me alone.

After all, I said, that was all he returned? What a jerk. The palace was indeed full of assholes.


Alpha King Maxxwell

Lady Juliana smiled at me as if that would kill the mood I have right now. I was fuming. My wolf was howling in the background, wanting to be out after witnessing the scenes we saw earlier. The claws of this woman on River's face kept darting back and forth in my mind, angering my wolf even more. The beast wanted to run wild free and punished the woman standing in front, without care of what was happening inside me.

'Stay still,' I ordered. My nails sank on the table, but Lady Juliana did not notice my fight for control.

'Kill that woman, Maxxwell.' Denaro whispered. Killing Lady Juliana will bring a domino effect on the kingdom. However, the beast could not understand that. 'Or let me do it. I do not like her filthy hands on your skin, Maxxwell. It makes me madder even madder.'

Denaro was considered a beast among the wolves. Other beasts bowed down at him, cowering in fear.

he paced back and forth while watching me with narrowed eyes.

'Do it fast. My patience is already wearing thin. I'm getting edgy around her. I want her out of the palace.'

'We need their family's support. They are quite handy when it comes to making an agreement with the rogue.'

Denaro snorted. 'Those bastards will not honor any treaty. They will continue doing treacherous acts. Their wolves were hungry for blood and that’s what they will do. They will kill to satisfy the savageness of their beast. Stop that nonsense of wanting to be at peace with them.'

I was getting weary of the war between the kingdom and the rogue. I wanted to look for another possible solution and perhaps the treaty will pacify the conflict between the two groups. However, Denaro had another opinion that contradicted mine.

‘I want to give it a try.’


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