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Protect Me Alpha King novel Chapter 44

Alpha King Maxxwell's sudden shift in his mood puzzled me.

“I don’t understand what you are trying to say, Your Majesty. I don’t understand why your mood was suddenly sour and moody. I thought you were already okay after I gave you and Lady Juliana the time to catch up. I did not listen to your conversation. Unlike the time when you called for Nora.”

Alpha King Maxxwell’s eyes narrowed dangerously. “You listened to us?” he asked calmly, but the shaking of his hands told me he was feeling the opposite.

Damn it. Why did I have to include Nora? I should learn how to filter my words around him.

Looking away, I muttered, “For a brief moment, Your Majesty. I was staying in the next room, but Nora was…” I shrugged, not sure how to put my thoughts in words. “She’s quite expressive. Believe me, I walked away after that and went to the watchtower and saw Sir Elijah. And besides, allow me to use the opportunity to say that Sir Elijah and I did not date. We happened to be at the same time. We shared the same favorite spot. If you want, you can bring Lady Juliana there to—”

“She already returned to her chamber after you left, River.”

That fast? Did nothing happen between them? Why did my heart jump with joy?

I put my hand on my mouth, faking a surprise.

“Oh. Is that so, Your Majesty? If I have known, I will be the one to humor you, Your Majesty.”

In an instant, he was suddenly on his feet, breaking the distance between us. His cedarwood scent and a mixture of his aftershave scent hit my nostrils.

He leaned into my ears. “Humor me now, River. Divert my attention. Because my beast is on edge and wanted to come out,” he whispered.

I gulped when I saw a shade of gold flash in his eyes and back to his standard eye color.

I hesitated. “Why would you be mad, Your Majesty? You had a great time with Lady Juliana, right? Or did you not? That is why you are suddenly grumpy?”

His eyes searched for something, and when he could not see what he was looking for, he lifted my chin. His breath fanned against my skin, sending shivers down my spine.


Why did he have this effect on me?

“My beast wanted you, River. You do not know how much self-control I am using right now not to kiss you.”

My heart jumped as I tried to untangle his words. Then, my eyes shifted to his cherry lips, as soft as cotton. Sensing my eyes' direction, he brushed his fingers on my lips.

“I am not your mate nor your whore, Your Majesty.”

A gasp escaped my lips when he angled my face from side to side and sniffed my neck. A couple of times. As if he could not get over my scent.

“Your smell drives me crazy, River.”

Putting my hands on his chest, I said, “Y-Your Majesty…are you okay? Do you want someone to warm your bed?”

Pulling back, he looked at me. “Warm it instead for me.” His voice was in pain.

I saw an opportunity. “I will do it.”

“You will?” he asked, not believing my words. “Can you?”

Drawing a breath, I answered, “Yes, Your Majesty. I can do whatever Nora can do. I can please you. I will learn. I’m a fast learner. But in exchange, you will mark me as your mate.”

He narrowed his eyes. “Mark you?”

“That’s what we discussed when we were still at Haverstone Pack, Your Majesty, that you will mark me. But until now, you are not doing what you promised.”

He turned his back to me and paced back and forth. Then he stopped. “Why do you want me to mark you badly?”

The answer was simple. I wanted power and authority.

“If I bear your mark, Your Majesty, everyone will fear me. They will not do anything that would make you furious. They will think I am your mate even if I am not, Your Majesty.”

He cocked an eyebrow. “Are you willing to sell your body because of that?”

I sighed. “That may be small to you, Your Majesty, but for someone like me who always experienced nothing but being bullied, it would be a small victory.”


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