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Protect Me Alpha King novel Chapter 50

Hurts too much, my mind said.


I clenched my fist, controlling myself not to stand and fight back.

Not now, River. You have a lot of audiences, which will have a boomerang effect on me.

I struggled to get back on my feet.

“That slave deserved to be punished!” the woman announced.

I knew who it was. Lady Juliana. What was she doing here?

Images of her kissing the alpha king fueled my anger.

I drew a couple of breaths, urging myself to control my emotions. Anger was not the solution for now.

"She bumped you, Your Grace, and turned her back at you," Lady Aurora added. "She is a feral dog that needs to be put in her rightful place. Punishment is a must."

I clicked my tongue. Lady Aurora was getting on my nerves now. The older woman should know when to open her mouth and when not to.

“Ladies! That's no longer necessary,” Elijah interjected. “Another move from your servant, Lady Juliana, and I will punish him himself for hurting River.”

“Sir Elijah! That woman started it!” Lady Juliana exclaimed. "She hurt me a while ago."

Hurt? Surely she was exaggerating it since I was the one who bumped her.

“Her Grace, River did not see you. I saw it with my two eyes.” Elijah was already at my side, helping me get back on my feet. I uttered a silent thank you using my eyes which he understood. “You, okay?”

I nodded.

Damn it.

We should never have come here. Nobles would steer troubles, forcing their authorities on enslaved people. And if I fought back, the alpha king would know about it, and he would punish me for fighting those in power. Or so I thought.

However, the pain hurt like a bicth. It persisted.

I pretended to act like I was not hurting, or I would give Lady Juliana the satisfaction of seeing me in pain.

Smiling, I faced her like I wasn’t kicked a while ago. Her servant was right beside her, wearing a smug expression on his face. Bastard. Asshole. I will remember his face.

“My apologies, Your Grace,” I forced myself to say.

Elijah's expression softened. “River. You do not have to ask for forgiveness. It was not your fault.”

I gave him a small smile. “It was mine, Sir Elijah,” I said, lowering my voice and making it sadder. “I was not looking. That's why I bumped into Lady Juliana. If only I had been careful earlier, this scandal would never happen in the first place. I was in a hurry earlier, Your Grace.”

Her eyes narrowed, not even accepting what I said—typical attitude.

“Why are you here? You should be beside the alpha king, guarding him like crazy. I ordered you to watch every single woman that will approach him.”

As if I would do that. Besides, the alpha king only wanted one woman in his life—Zenith. If Lady Juliana marries the alpha king, she will never have his heart.

The other ladies whispered against each other while the store owner was back at the corner, smirking as if she was having the best time of her life, watching the scene unfold right in front of her store.

Publicity. That was what she was after. A noble lady fighting and shaming an enslaved person right inside her store, plus the member of the Council in between. The people would talk about this. And they will flock to her store.

“I’m running an errand, Your Grace. That’s why I am here. However, when I return to the palace, I will guard the alpha king all my life. No one can approach him without my permission.”

As if. I would never do that.

Satisfied with my answer, she narrowed her eyes. “That’s what I wanted to hear, Dog Servant.”

Dog Servant.

The nobles giggled while I went scarlet. She knew.


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