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Protect Me Alpha King novel Chapter 54

The alpha king raised his brow, disbelief in his eyes. "So I am right. You did plan something, River. I hate to break it to you, but you will not succeed."

It would be a silent battle between us—an ongoing one.

"I did not say I have plans, Your Majesty."

I grabbed the bar of soap and asked, "May I?"

He nodded. With that, I rubbed the soap all over his chest. He remained silent, not saying anything, as I continued rubbing the soap.

Using the bubbles, I scrubbed the dirt and dried blood all over his body. He moaned, savoring the comfort I was giving him.

"At last, you finally did your job, River."

The hemline of my clothes was already wet as some water splashed towards me. "This is my plan, Your Majesty. To serve you. I want to redeem myself. If you are thinking of other things, you are mistaken."

He opened one of his eyes. "You know what it is. Don't play dumb with me."

I chuckled and returned the bar soap. "You never believe what I say, do you, Your Majesty?"

He leaned his head on the edge of the tub. "You're not honest. Sometimes."

"You hurt my ego, Your Majesty. I'm hurt." I put one of my hands on my chest, faking a pout. "You think lowly of me."

"You will do anything to get your goal."

Well, that hit the spot.

I bent forward, my chest an inch from his face. The alpha king looked at my bust for a split second before he looked at my eyes.

"I admit I am a goal-getter, Your Majesty. But never a goal digger."

"That's why you are offering yourself to me."

"Am I?" I asked, chuckling. "If I did, would you accept my offer?"

I purposely licked my lips, and the alpha king watched what I was doing. He shifted on his seat and looked away, his breathing labored.


My heart sank. That was not the answer I was waiting for. Not wanting his reply to dampen my mood, I shrugged my shoulders. I must succeed now. The right opportunity would be today.

"Allow me to serve you even now, Your Majesty." Without asking for his approval, I stepped inside the tub and faced him. Putting both hands on each side of the tub, I kneeled closer to him, our breaths mingling.

The only thing that we heard was our labored breathing.

"What are you doing, River? Are you tempting me again, and then you will run like a scared chicken?" he taunted. "I've bedded a lot of women in my life. What made you think you could surpass their performance? You're nothing but a child in my eyes with a little experience. You will only get scared at the end and run again with your tails behind your leg. Leave now before I can stop myself from devouring you."

I chuckled. "Devour me? That's a unique choice of words you got there, Your Majesty. I'm permitting you to consume me."

Not breaking any eye contact, he grabbed my hands and put them on his hard member, earning a gasp from me.

"See? That's how you affect me, River. If you are scared, run. If you want to push through your foolishness, I am washing my hands. I warned you a couple of times," he said dangerously.

The longer my hand stayed down there, the more it sprung to life and became thick under my fingers.

He rested his forehead on the hollow of my neck, inhaling deeply.

"I can smell your fear. You should be. Savor that feeling so you will never commit a mistake when it involves giving yourself to me. I have a lot of slaves that can pleasure me better than you. I am not a saint, River. Run while you still can."

I gulped as I weighed my options. Will I push it through? Or not?

He put a distance between us and smirked at me.

"You remind me of a sheep lost on its way."

I clenched my fist. He was only testing me to see if I would succumb to my fear or not. However, my goal should come first.

Pretending he did not affect me, I said, "You hurt my pride, Your Majesty." The corner of my mouth lifted. "Wanna see if I am scared or not?"

I tried to kiss him, but he looked away. My cheeks flushed, not because of the hot temperature. To say I was humiliated was an understatement.

Back then, he was eagerly responding to my kisses, but now…Did he already find me repulsive?

Surprised, I asked, "Your Majesty? You don't…like me?"


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