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Protect Me Alpha King novel Chapter 58

After a few minutes, the twins, nearly bathing in their sweat, returned and informed me that the carriage was already waiting for me outside.

"River, do you want to change your mind?" Clara and Flare asked in unison after checking if I had forgotten something. Their eyes were still in worry. "You don't know how dangerous it is to travel alone."

"I have the coachman," I joked, trying to appease their mind. "Stop fussing for me. I can do it perfectly."


"Nonsense. Why don't you cover for me, and if the alpha king happens to arrive first and looks for me, tell him I am running an errand."

They looked at each other. "Are you sure about this?"

With all honesty, I was not that certain if I could pull it off. Going back to the slave auction house brought many painful memories not worth keeping, but I still had to go.

"I'll come back if I will gain nothing from there."

"Do you know whom to look for, River?"

"Master Henderson, the one who was supervising the auction house." The man also had all the written records of the enslaved people that had entered there and had been sold.

"That man will not answer your question if you will not give something in return, River. Here." Flare brought out a bag. "That would be enough to keep him talking. We met him once, and he was the most difficult bastard you can encounter in your whole life, River."

"And an asshole, to be precise. A greedy bastard. Jerk. Fuc—"

"Clara. That's enough."

Clara held her hands in the air, surrendering, listening to her sister.

I looked inside the bag, and it was full of bills—paper and coin bills. With wide eyes, I looked back at them.

"I can't accept it." I tried to return it to them, but the twins would not accept it.

"That's the last thing we could do after not going with you."

"But this is too much. This seemed like your entire savings."

"It's not. We still have something left. Good luck with going there. May you find what you want, River."

They went to the door and stepped outside, leaving me alone.


After my talk with the twins, I went to the awaiting carriage.

I was on the brink of stepping inside when Delta Isagani came out of the blue and blocked my path.

Scowling, I turned to him.

"Delta Isagani. May I know why you are interrupting me, Delta Isagani?"

He opened his mouth but closed it and sniffed the air, and without asking for my approval, yanked the shawl from my shoulders, exposing my neck.

His eyes narrowed, looking at where the alpha king had sunk his teeth. "Surprise."

He tossed the shawl back at me and returned it. I thought I could flaunt the mark I had, but it was already the opposite. I was hiding it away from them! I did not even understand why. Perhaps I was also considering what the alpha king had said. That I will gain more enemies?

"You're mated?"

Unfortunately for the alpha king, I wanted to say, but said instead, "Yes."

"To whom?" Delta Isagani sniffed the air. "And why is the alpha king's scent all over you? Did the two of you have sex?"

I clicked my tongue. "That would be the last thing that would happen." In the alpha king's eyes, I was nothing but a child. "He won't even glance at my body even if I strip naked in front of him."

"Did you force him?"

"Force? Delta Isagani. Why would I do that when the alpha king can instantly break my bones?" I crossed my arms in front of my chest. "Can't you see? This is his mark."

He stumbled back, disbelief in his eyes. "How?"


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