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Protect Me Alpha King novel Chapter 64

Alpha King Maxxwell

“Your Majesty!” Valentine exclaimed. “Why are you wasting your time on that woman, huh? She is nothing! Let Isagani find her and you can sleep. You need to rest. How will you handle the palace affairs if you get sick? We are not invisible to any sickness, Your Majesty!”

My eyes darted back to

‘Find her, Maxxwell!” Denaro demanded one more time. When the beast wanted it, he would not stop pestering me with his demands until I gave in. What an irritating bastard.

‘I hear your thoughts,’ he said, glaring at me while baring his fangs.

Rolling my eyes inwardly, I said, ‘My apologies, my alpha king.’

He fell silent, his anger directed toward me. ‘Don’t act mighty with me. You are nothing without me.’

That was Denaro. Thinking he was more powerful than me. However, being with him made me adjust his behavior. He did not know we were connected. He would not exist without me.

Clenching my fist, I added, ‘Let me handle it.’

‘I’m giving you until morning to find her and if not, I will be in charge. You would not like my ways, Maxxwell,’ he warned and retreated back to the corner.

“Your Majesty! Are you even listening?”

Glaring Valentine was enough to make him shut his irritating mouth. “I am so would you shut your fucking mouth?”

He fell silent.


I threw my gaze at the beta. “Isagani. Gather all the available warriors and we will find River. The bandits may have captured her. They may also conspire with the rogues in the vicinity. We never know. We have to think of the possible scenarios.”

“Right away, Your Majesty.”

Isagani retreated and went back inside the palace.

Maneuvering the horse, I turned around but Valentine blocked my way.

"Your Majesty. Why are you doing this? Why will you personally search for that slave? You should be resting. Let us handle finding her."

I inhaled deeply and stared at him. "Let me go, Valentine," I said.

"Why? I don’t understand why you are doing this."

"You want to know why?"

"Yes, Your Majesty. Why are you set on finding her? What is she to you? You are not like this to the other slaves."

I inhaled deeply.

"She bears my mark."

He frowned deeply. "Why would she carry your mark, Your Majesty?"

"Why should she carry my mark, Valentine? You answer that question. That’s an easy answer."

Realization dawned on him. "She is your mate? Why did you mark her when you are still not over Zenith?"

That was also the question I had been trying to look for an answer to. I knew in my heart I still loved Zenith. So why?

It was Denaro.

‘Really? I did not take over your body when you marked it. It was your decision, in the first place, Maxxwell.’ And he went back to the shadows again.

I sighed.

"It's not your business, Valentine. Move. Time is running. I don’t want someone to die again."

"Do you know what will happen? Your people will do what they did to her." Her. My beloved Zenith.

A muscle ticked my brow. "They were imprisoned. All of them. I will never allow them to do something like that."

"Do you think that will not jeopardize River's safety?" He leaned closer to me. "River is a slave. Nobles do not accept a ruler who came from slavery. They wanted someone who is in a higher position than them."

"And you? You will not accept her?"


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