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Protect Me Alpha King novel Chapter 75

I put my hands on my lap. "So since the two of you failed to bear a child, you will transfer the responsibility to me, Your Majesty? Is that it? Is that also the reason why you won't reject me?"

That would be possible, given the circumstances we have right now. Zenith was no longer here.

If that was the case, I was right. I was nothing but a means to the alpha king's goal. Nothing less. Nothing more.

What do you expect? That the alpha king would love you? Pathetic. He won't. Accept that. It will always be Zenith.

The alpha king sighed, and I shivered as I felt his warm breath fanned across my neck.

The mark throbbed even more and was followed by a tingling sensation. It burned as if it was aching to be touched, and as if sensing my discomfort, the alpha king brushed his fingers on it.

"Stop that," I muttered. He did not.

I bit my lips to stop myself from moaning over that simple gesture. Simple for the others, but between the two of us, it greatly impacted me.

My wolf purred in the background, savoring the moment.

The alpha king planted a kiss on my mark.

Damn it. I did not like what I was feeling now. The wall I had built carefully was slowly crumbling because of the alpha king.

"I won't force you if you don't want to get pregnant, River," he whispered.

I inhaled sharply. "You will ask your women to bear you a child?"

The thought of him fathering someone else's child was unsettling. My wolf wouldn't accept it. My mind wouldn't buy it.

"If the situation asks for—"

I whipped my head in his direction, glared at him, and stood.

"I won't allow it!"

A smile made its way to his lips, and it was too late when I realized what I had just said. Did I just utter that I was jealous of his women?

"If you don't want me to impregnate my concubines, I won't force it, River," he whispered with a stupid grin that irritated me. "I will wait until your mind is ready to become a mother of my pups. They will be our princes and princesses who will inherit the throne."

Images of tiny copies of the alpha king flashed in my mind. My heart melted at the images of his children— our soon-to-be babies, which I would take care of running around the palace.

I shook my head.

What was wrong with me?

I was still young to think of such thoughts. Bearing his children was not part of my plan. My plan was only to bear his mark. To show Alpha Erik that someone still wanted me despite being a slave. And so that no one will bully me anymore.

Nothing else.

So why would my mind dart to those kinds of thoughts? And why did I feel as if I liked it?

Cheeks burning, I answered, "That's not what I am trying to say. You are wrong, Your Majesty. I do not have plans of having your children."

"Is that your decision?" he asked, strolling towards me. "Please bear in mind that I will find ways to change your mind."

"My decision won't change, Your Majesty," I answered, gritting my teeth. "You want a child? Ask your concubines. They would be happy to give you one."

The alpha king stalked me as if I was his prey.

I backed away until my back hit the cold wall.

"Too bad I want my mate to be the future mother of my children."

"Too bad I don't want that to happen," I answered.

"You will change your mind, River. It's only your anger towards me that is talking for you," he said with confidence.

"I won't, Your Majesty. No amount of coaxing would change my mind. I don't want any children from you. I don't want them to face the same disrespect I am experiencing now."

Even if they were from the alpha king, they would still be silently branded as slaves since they came from me.

"I won't allow anyone to hurt them—physically, emotionally, and mentally."

As if he could always protect them for twenty-four hours.


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