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Protect Me Alpha King novel Chapter 77

Did I love the alpha king? Love? What kind of emotion was that? All through my life, I never felt loved.

I had never received such gestures.

When I could not answer Alpha Erik’s question, he smirked, feeling triumphant.

“I knew it, River. I don't think you loved him in the first place. Everything is a facade to fool the people—our packmates. You still love me, right?” he asked with a hopeful look.

He attempted to close the distance between us, but I stepped back while glaring at him.

What the fudge?

"What the fuck are you talking about, Alpha Erik?"

He opened and closed his mouth. Then, he asked, "You love…him?"

Lifting my chin, I turned my expression serious.

“Of course! Who would never love the alpha king? I love the alpha king. It was love at first sight,” I started lying.

He shrunk back.

Good. Go, River. Fool him.

"Is that true?" he whispered.

“You think I am lying?"

'Don't say hurtful things to him,' my wolf meddled.

'Don't defend him. He hurt us, to begin with. He rejected us. Did you forget that? Do not tell me you changed your mind?'

My wolf whimpered.

'I pity him.'

I scoffed inwardly.

'He did not deserve it. Step back. I will handle him,' I said and muted her from my mind.

"You are only with him for a few months."

"Time did not matter, Alpha Erik. Being with me made me feel like I had known him for a long time."

The lies were starting to be real to me.

When Alpha Erik fell silent, I added, "Who would not fall for his charms? He is the king himself. Strong, powerful, handsome, and sexy. Above all, he never discriminated against anyone.”

Just like that, Alpha Erik’s light vanished from his eyes. " I got it, River. No need to tell me more."

But I did not stop. My mouth already had a mind of its own. The words kept on spouting out of my mouth.

“What made you think I am not in love with Alpha King Maxxwell? He is my first love and will be my last, Alpha Erik. We are head-over-heels with each other. He looks for me whenever I am out of sight and takes care of me. He always reminded me to eat my breakfast if I forgot about it. I think those are enough reasons, Alpha Erik. Do you want me to add more proof?”

“It seemed like you’re not in love with each—”

Faking a surprised look, I covered my mouth with one hand. “Unacceptable! We are! We do not always have to show it to the whole pack, don't we? To his people. It only happens between closed doors, if you know what I mean,” I declared, cutting off his words. "No. I don't think you get what I mean. I am talking about sex."

His cheeks burned. "Really?"

Really? That was all he could say? I was trying to make him jealous but it seemed like I was not successful.

I folded my arms in front of my chest. “Is that all you will say?"

"What else can I say? You already proved your point."

I looked around. Two warriors were already scanning the surroundings. And when they spotted us, they did not continue and went in the other direction. Which reminded me of the alpha king. Was he sleeping as he said?


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