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Protect Me Alpha King novel Chapter 87

Lady Juliana’s face tightened. “Are you threatening me, Alpha Erik?”

Alpha Erik shrugged his shoulders. “It depends on how you understand my statement, milady.”

The woman’s face curled. “Do it, then. Tell your Father about what happened here, and I will tell him you secretly met Dog Servant behind his back,” she challenged. “Who do you think will he take a side? You or me?”

The alpha king rubbed his eyes. It was nearing dawn, and we still had not sorted this issue. Fine with me. I already slept a couple of hours, anyway.

"Why don't we settle down, everyone?" the alpha king suggested.

I whipped my head toward Maxxwell's direction. Using our min link, I said, 'Settle down? After I saw you kissing Lady Juliana? No one will sleep unless we solve this issue.'

He stared at me with wide eyes, shocked at my tone. He was the alpha king, and no one below him had snapped at him except me.

‘Do you have something to say, Maxxwell,’ I asked, using his given name.

The alpha king looked at me with a guilty expression. 'River. If you only watched closely, you would see I did not kiss her back,' he said, attempting to explain.

His face was flustered while scratching the back of his head, trying to think of ways to get out of this mess.

As much as he looked cute standing like that, he should do better.

I pressed my lips together. 'Later, please. You have a lot of explaining to do, Maxxwell,' I responded and focused my attention on the two 'lovers' beside us.

Alpha King Maxxwell groaned in reply.

"To whom do you learn we are here, Alpha Erik?" Lady Juliana snapped.

"Your personal attendant, of course. Who else? I was also confused about why your attendant was alone in your quarters. I asked her of your whereabouts and traced your scent here with the alpha king."

"Go away. Your presence is not needed!"

Lady Juliana angrily yanked her wrist away.

"Alpha Erik is your fiancee. How could you treat him like that?"

It was not that I was siding with him, but it angered me when she continued treating others like trash except for Maxxwell.

"Shut up, Dog Servant! I am not talking to—"


The two men stared at me in shock.

"I no longer carry the name Dog Servant, Juliana. Why do you keep on mentioning that name?"

"You. Slapped. Me?" she asked, dumbfounded. "A slave and an omega slapped me?"

I smiled at her sweetly. "Yes. And that is one of the best feelings in the world. Do you want to give me your other cheeks?"

Face as red as a tomato, she advanced towards me, but before she could harm me, Alpha Erik was pulling her away from me.

"Let me go, asshole! You don't want me to harm your mate, huh? Release me this instant before I make sure you will regret siding with this slave!" she shrieked.

"Milady! I am siding with the future queen of the kingdom of Vernice. Not my relationship with her!" he shouted.

"Fuck you!"

The alpha king winced at the curse even if it was not directed at him.

"Whatever I will do with Dog Servant has nothing to do with you!" she spat. "The marriage was nothing but an agreement between your Father and mine. I told you perfectly in our first meeting that I want the alpha king more than ever. Not any pathetic alpha but the alpha king himself."

I sighed.

This woman won't just stop. She looked like someone to whom I snatched some candy.

I inched closer.

The alpha king's hand was suddenly in my arms. His eyes told me I should stop, but I won't. If she does not keep on dragging the name Dog Servant, I will show her mercy. But she did not.

Well, I bear grudges.

"I'm afraid that will no longer happen, milady. Do you see? His Majesty and I will prepare for our wedding when we return to the palace."

I felt the alpha king's eyes on me, which I did not bother to meet.

This was his fault at the beginning—meeting this woman behind my back. I was merely fixing his mess with another lie. A professional liar. That was what I had become. The alpha king should give me a certificate for that.

“W-wedding?” Lady Juliana's eyes watered as she stumbled back. Her knees nearly gave out, and Alpha Erik was already on her side.

Despite the support she needed, she drove away his hands.

"Wedding?" she repeated.

I clicked my tongue. "You heard it right. It's not only the two of you who will wed but also us. I thought we would keep it to ourselves first, but when you keep forcing yourself on my man, I decided to let it out in public."

I felt something warm on my chest at the thought of me marrying the alpha king and another sense of satisfaction coming from the alpha king as if he approved of my life.

Pleading with her eyes, Lady Juliana said, "Your Majesty. You have to think twice. Do you want the people—your people to murder your mate again?"

The alpha king stilled, and his claws slowly started to appear and sunk deep into my skin. Unaware. It drew blood, but I tried to shrug it off, but the stinging persisted.

"No one will harm my mate again!" he roared. “No one!”

The birds sitting on the branches flew in surprise.

Alpha Erik and Lady Juliana stepped backward.

I could sense their fears. Understandable. Especially how he was on the brink of shape-shifting. To protect the woman, the alpha put her behind his back and faced the alpha king.

The alpha king placed his hands on my waist while looking down at Alpha Erik. It felt like his anger was directed at everyone whom he considered a threat. "I will kill all of you who dared to harm my woman until all your family takes their last breath!"

I flinched at his voice.


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