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Protect Me Alpha King novel Chapter 93

For the next few days, I evaded Maxxwell and Zenith like they were the harbinger of the plague.

And true to the alpha king's words, my status as a slave was lifted, and I became a noble blood. I did not know how the alpha king did it. He probably used his power and authority to twist the truth of my birth. Now, everyone should address me as Lady River.

Was I happy? Not so. Especially since the truth about my birth was not yet known.

I wanted to have a one-to-one talk with Zenith and asked her if we were related, but our clashes stopped me from doing so.

Besides, did she even want to face me after our heated exchange? I did not believe so.

But on the seventh day, the alpha king had requested my presence (technically Zenith's request) at his banquet—including the women who were serving him. The reason for that? I had no idea.

However, the twins had another opinion. They said (even if I was not asking them) that Zenith wanted to eradicate every woman the alpha king bedded—including Nora.

And now, perhaps today was the day when the alpha king would announce it. My guess.

I sat at the edge of the fourteen-seater dining room table, making my presence as small as possible, tired of what had happened for the past few days.

I never wanted to be here, especially if I saw Zenith's irritating face.

Still…I could not deny that the alpha king was dashing as ever with Zenith beside her. I felt his eyes sometimes glancing in my direction but pretended I did not notice because that was what he deserved.

"My lovely ladies. It is an honor that you were able to join us here. In all honesty, it was I who called you here. These past few days, my presence was always occupied by the alpha king, trying to keep up with the times we were not together." Zenith looked in my direction as if she wanted me to be eaten with my jealousy.

She should try harder than that.

"But now…after everything is in its proper place, I want to meet you to express my gratitude since you were with His Majesty and tending to all his needs."


More like she wanted to be familiar with Maxxwell's women and recognize who would be her ally and which would be her enemy.

"I don't like her," Nora whispered against my ears. She came in late, saying it was because she wanted to grab everyone's attention. And when she spotted the vacant seat next to mine, she occupied it.

"She can hear you," I answered back.

"I don't care. She's possessive of the alpha king. She got mad whenever we talked to him. She never wanted anyone to be close to the alpha king. She was not like that before. She was complete the opposite. It seemed like she is another person."


"No one can take her throne," I said, instead.

Nora's words kept ringing on my head. What happened to Zenith?

Nora's lips tightened. "I know. And that's infuriating," she replied, flipping her hair.

Zenith was lovely wearing her blue-green dress, which molded her body and showed ample cleavage, which I did not even have.

Her hair was tied in a bun with a few strands loose. She was gorgeous. Despite resembling the same face, I was nothing like her.

"Especially to my dearest proxy, River," Zenith added, smiling at me.

I smiled, giving her the sweetest smile I could muster. I would never give her the satisfaction of seeing I was miserable when she arrived.

"My honor, Your Grace. It's no longer River, by the way. I am Lady River. Courtesy of the alpha king's kindness. Please accept my gratitude, Your Majesty."

Maxxwell gave me a curt nod while holding his glass of wine.

"I thought you wouldn't join us, River. It's been a week since I did not see you. I thought you already went back to your pack. I thought you were dead."

Did you want me to be out of your sight? Then, I would never give it to you.

I sipped the wine in front of me.

"Why would I leave His Majesty? I am His Majesty's mate and the one bearing his mark, which you don't have. I'm sorry to say that."

The women chuckled while Zenith's face became red.

Nora nudged my leg, winking in my direction, urging me that I did a great job of infuriating her. That I must do more than that.

News flash.

I would never allow Zenith to hurt me or slap me again.


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