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Punished by His Love (FULL book) novel Chapter 105

Read Chapter 105 – 106 of the Novel Punished by His Love.

Chapter 105

“What way?” Jarod asked Moira.

Moira’s brows and eyes were filled with a successful smile: “I think we really won a big victory this time, because the child in Lanita’s stomach turned Lanita over and let Suzi have a meal at Arron’s. Deflated.

But if we want to use Arron’s hand to get rid of Suzi, we still have to add another fire. “

“Yes…Is it necessary to get rid of her?” Jarod shuddered in his heart and couldn’t help but asked in an unpleasant tone.

Moira glared at Jarod viciously: “You love Suzi and don’t want to get rid of her! But what did Suzi do to you? She wants to kill you, wants to kill our Lin family, she is as vicious as her mother! The same sc*mbag, the same dead skinny face! Have you forgotten how her mother framed you, how she deceived you?

Why are you so forgetful!

This vixen is as vicious and mean as her mother!

If yesterday wasn’t the thoroughness of our plan, just in time for Arron to see the vicious side of Suzi when Arron arrived, then Suzi would really snatch Arron from Lanita in the near future.

The next step is to wipe out our Lin family.

Jarod, have you ever thought, if one day Arron learns the truth, will he let us live? “

Jarod: “…”

What the wife said is true.

If Arron knew the truth, he would definitely kill the Lin family.

Thinking of this, Jarod asked Moira: “Hurry up, what’s your method?”

“Don’t feel sorry for her now?” Moira asked Jarod in a strange tone of yin and yang. Jarod said impatiently: “This wicked obstacle shouldn’t have come into this world! I have raised her for eight years, and I don’t know how to be grateful. I still want to kill our whole family and try to steal her boyfriend with Lanita! Quickly say, what? The method can kill her!”

Moira smiled: “Yesterday we used the correct method. Arron has already started to hate Suzi. We have to add another fire to make Arron hate Suzi even more. The disgust is in my bones, and when I see her, I want to kill her. In this case, even if Shanna intervenes arbitrarily, it will not help.”

After that, Moira was in Jarod’s ear and underestimated it for a while.

Jarod hesitated for a few seconds, then said viciously, “Just do it!”

There was a satisfied smile on Moira’s face.

“Where is Lanita?” Jarod asked.

“Upstairs, just two months of pregnancy, when she was sick, she was unwell. Let her lie down more.” Moira said.

Jarod sighed: “Hey…”

The phone rang, Moira picked up the landline to connect: “Hello, who are you?”

Arron’s low voice came from the other end: “Where is Lanita?” He didn’t show much respect for Moira.

For some reason, even though the Lin family helped him, Lanita was also the one who saved his life. She is still pregnant with his child, but Arron doesn’t have any favor with the Lin family, perhaps because the Lin family used to be the eldest brother and the second uncle and the third uncle. The people on their side?

When Moira heard Arron’s voice, she straightened up immediately: “Well, it’s the Fourth Young Master, you are looking for Lanita…oh, Lanita…I feel a little uncomfortable. Resting upstairs, I’ll go, and I will ask her to answer the phone immediately.”

Arron’s tone was very cold: “I’ll call back later.”

He called Lanita’s cell phone, and Lanita turned it off before he called Lanita’s landline again. Since learning that Lanita was pregnant with his child in the past few days, Arron has called Lanita once every morning and evening.

This was the first time that Lanita had her phone turned off and did not answer his call.

On this side, Moira hung up the phone and went upstairs to call Lanita to go. Lanita deliberately shut down the phone. According to her mother Moira’s experience, that is, distance creates beauty, and Arron is not allowed to He can find you every time, if you turn off the phone once in a while, he will not find you, and he will worry about you even more.

Chapter 106

Spoil you more.


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