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Punished by His Love (FULL book) novel Chapter 121

Read Chapter 121 – 122 of the Novel Punished by His Love.

Chapter 121

Standing up, opening his tired eyes and looking at Arron: “I know you are very busy these days. Aunt Xia’s condition makes you unable to deal with other things, but I…we are Isn’t it time to talk about the contract?”

After speaking, Suzi swallowed his throat and looked at Arron.

She was a little tired after working for a day today. At night, she was taken to the box by the guy named Huo Jianshan. After half an hour in a panic, she stabbed Huo Jianshan with a broken wine bottle.

When she was irritated, she naturally didn’t care about anything, but now she felt scared when she calmed down. The man was still lying in the hospital, although the matter was suppressed by Joan.

But for medical expenses, Suzi has no money.

She thought that the place where the money could be raised was Arron, as well as her ongoing contract.

Arron, please look at Suzi very coldly.

He is in a bad mood today!

My mother has been in a coma for three days and has a high fever every day. Now it is unlikely that she will wake up. In the past few days with a high fever, the internal organs have been almost destroyed.

Watching his mother die a little bit in front of him, Arron’s heart couldn’t be described as pain. He has endless regrets, regrets that he shouldn’t let his grandfather and grandmother bring relatives of the Fu family to admit his mother’s existence.

In this way, at least the mother will not become careless and her physical condition will suddenly decline because of the end of her mind.

Arron has not rested for three nights.

When I was in a bad mood, I came out of my mother’s ward and saw Suzi getting into the car half-wrapped by an old man in his 50s and 60s. Originally, he had changed her.

Because of that cigarette holder.

The small cigarette holder really poked his heart. However, whenever he changes a little bit about her, the facts he sees tell him that the woman in front of him is so complicated!

What a disguise!

She turned out to be the woman her mother thought of.

My mother was already in a coma, still chanting Suzi’s name, still calling Suzi.

And this woman?

When her mother was talking about her name, she was cuddling with an old man who could be her grandfather!

She would really choose the time, knowing that he really couldn’t spare his hands to deal with her now, so she was very blatant. Not only did he hook up with other men during the contract period with him, but he also came to ask him personally, about the contract?

“In your heart, have you ever thought about my mother?” he asked quietly.

Suzi: “…”

“Answer me!” The man’s tone was still very flat.

Suzi: “What do you want to hear? Even if I say the truth, you don’t think I am the truth, do you? Then I might as well say what you want to hear. I never thought of your mother in my heart, I just use She approached you, originally intending to use the child in my stomach to rely on you, but I did not succeed, since I did not succeed, then I can only be part of my contract.

May I ask Mr. Fu, when can you pay the expenses in my contract? “

She looked at him without changing her face.

His complexion was also very calm, calm enough to make her feel uneasy.

During the time he was with Arron, Suzi knew about Arron a little bit. He spoke very little and acted fiercely and decisively, but what he showed was only a cold expression, and he never showed a fierce look on his face.

However, she had seen his ferocity and cold blood several times.

Chapter 122

The layout of his living room is full of organs that put people to death. He deals with those who oppose him, and absolutely does not even give you the opportunity to beg for mercy. It has always been without procrastination, but also solved people without making a word.


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