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Punished by His Love (FULL book) novel Chapter 169

Read Chapter 169 – 170 of the Novel Punished by His Love.

Chapter 169

“Want to know?” Lanita asked triumphantly.

Suzi looked at Lanita coldly: “Who is he?”


“A prisoner in prison, a death row prisoner?” Suzi couldn’t guess the other direction. When she went to see the man that day, the man was clearly detained.

Lanita shook her head: “Suzi, you must not be able to guess, so let me tell you. Tomorrow morning, very early, at seven o’clock, we will meet in Yonghe soy milk near here, and I will talk to you carefully. Is it good to say?”

“Why don’t you tell me now!” Suzi asked.

“Oh, it’s getting late now, I want to tell you, I must tell you the details from beginning to end, I am pregnant like you now, I am pregnant with Arron’s child, It’s so gold and expensive. I can’t make any mistakes. I have to go back while it’s dark. If you want to know, I will come to you early and early tomorrow morning, Yonghe Soy Milk Shop.”

Suzi: “What tricks do you want to use?”

Lanita smiled: “Don’t worry, you are leaving the day after tomorrow. What tricks should I use? Besides, with the disparity in status between you and me, and the importance the Fu family attaches to me now, I will crush you to death. It’s like crushing an ant. Do I still need to play tricks on you?”

Suzi: “…” Lanita was right.

She thought about it in her heart. She can only take the train back the day after tomorrow. There is just one day left. If it is true that the father of the child is still alive, as Lanita said, and he is still in this city, Suzi would like to see one. See, at least it is an explanation to the child in my stomach.

A few minutes later, Suzi agreed: “Yes. What do you want?”

To tell her this big secret, it is impossible for Lanita to exchange terms.

“Of course there is.” Lanita said.

“What conditions?”

“Take out the emerald green bracelet that my mother-in-law gave you worth five to six hundred thousand yuan!” Lanita said viciously. It turned out to be for such a bracelet?

Suzi sneered contemptuously in his heart.

Arron didn’t even ask her to go back, but Lanita thought about it here. Aunt Shanna personally put it on her. Of course, she can’t give it away. The bracelet can only represent her, Suzi. , Quietly accompanied by Aunt Shanna’s side.

No one wants to take it away!

“Okay!” Suzi promised quickly: “I will give it to you tomorrow. After you tell me the news, I will give it to you. Don’t worry, I can’t run, and I can’t wear that bracelet. Sooner or later, I will be Arron. Take it away, and take it away, it’s still yours, so don’t worry, I will definitely give it to you.”

“Deal!” Lanita left Suzi’s residence triumphantly.

This night, Suzi failed to stay outside at the Express Hotel. She was still living in her rental house and did not close her eyes all night.

She didn’t know, what kind of news would she hear tomorrow morning?

The more expected, the more scared Suzi.

She woke up very early the next day, and arrived at the gate of Yonghe Soy Milk at 7 o’clock, but she didn’t think about it, Lanita had also arrived, and she was sitting in the soy milk shop waiting for him, and she carefully ordered soy milk and fried dough sticks for her.

“Where is the bracelet?” Lanita asked.

Suzi put a green box on the dining table. Lanita was about to reach for it, and was covered by Suzi. Suzi calmly said, “Please tell me, what is the father of the child in my stomach? Who!”

“You know this person.”

Suzi was shocked, and his tone changed: “Who the hell is it!”

“Tell you a happy event, I am getting married today.” Lanita smiled very sweetly.

“Tell me, who is that person!”

Chapter 170


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