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Punished by His Love (FULL book) novel Chapter 173

Read Chapter 173 – 174 of the Novel Punished by His Love.

Chapter 173

Suzi looked at Lanita blankly. She didn’t speak, her eyes were a little lost, like a fool.

Lanita looked happy, she wanted to stimulate Suzi even more: “Because you openly offended the whole upper circle in Fu’s house yesterday, you openly offended my husband Arron, you smashed your own phone. , You definitely tell everyone that you will never return to Yuncheng again, and you will never have any contact with Arron again.

You just swore an oath yesterday, Suzi.

If you go to my husband again today, guess what my husband will think of you.

Oh, with my husband’s fierce temper, I guess he will kick you up.

No, my husband will kick your belly.

Oops, it’s so wonderful.


The more Lanita thought about this strategy, the more clever she became.

After much deliberation, the most intelligent and shrewd person in the world is still his mother Moira.

Moira came up with this count, even Dad didn’t know it.

Moira said to Lanita: “If you want to completely get rid of Suzi, you need to take a slant sword, and you have to go dangerously. We just want to tell Suzi the truth of the matter and tell her that she has talent in her stomach. It is really Arron’s child.”

Lanita was shocked when she heard her mother’s strategy at the time: “Mom, if this is the case, Suzi will definitely find Arron to make trouble. Aren’t we all over?”

“I just want her to make trouble. Only when she is so loud can Arron hate her more and more, especially if Suzi can make trouble on your wedding day, even if Arron doesn’t get angry, the old man of the Fu family has a hot temper. Suzi’s belly will definitely be pierced with a walking stick. At that time, the child in Suzi’s belly will turn into a pool of blood.” The poisonous Moira stepped on her daughter. Lanita thinks better and better: “That’s really great mother, mother you are female Zhuge.”

Moira said triumphantly: “We have one last surefire solution. If Arron doesn’t do anything against Suzi, if Mr. Fu doesn’t do anything against Suzi, we will…”

Those words were said by Moirafu in Lanita’s ears.

Lanita knew that today, Suzi couldn’t escape anyway.

Since it all deserved to die, Lanita naturally had to tell Suzi the truth happily.

Seeing that Suzi, who was sitting opposite, was still indifferent, with a gray face, just like a fool, Lanita was a little disappointed in her heart, and she didn’t have the crazy and crazy appearance of Suzi that she wanted to see.

Suzi has become so dumb and dumb, it’s so dull!

“Suzi, I still have a big secret to tell you, it’s about…” Before she said what she said, the phone rang here, and Lanita picked up the phone impatiently. : “Hello?”

At the other end, Jarod called: “Lanita! Today is the day you married Arron, where did you go! Come back quickly, if you want to wear a wedding dress, you have to enter the scene right away. The Fu family is very traditional. Rich and noble, Mr. Fu is very particular about time. Where did you die? Come back to me right away!”

Jarod is getting angry!

Marriage is a top priority, and the daughter who was born early in the morning is not at home!

“Okay dad, I’m doing cosmetics. If I want to put on makeup today, of course I have to do the cosmetics first.” Lanita perfunctorily: “I’ll be back soon.”

After closing the line, when Lanita was trying to tell Suzi something, she saw that there was no one on the other side.

Suzi was walking out of the shop like a corpse. Lanita was about to stop Suzi. She lowered her head to see that the bracelet box on the dining table was still there, and she opened it in surprise.

After taking a look, he was stunned.

Chapter 174

There is nothing in the box.

Suzi actually lied to her!

Lanita slammed the jewelry box on the table.


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