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Punished by His Love (FULL book) novel Chapter 197

Read Chapter 197 – 198 of the Novel Punished by His Love.

Chapter 197

Song Xingchen’s grandparents donated 200,000 yuan in sponsorship to our kindergarten, which is…”

Suzi interrupted Teacher Wei slightly angrily and said, “You mean, if we don’t apologize, your kindergarten won’t let my daughter go to kindergarten here?”

“I’m afraid…” Teacher Wei said embarrassingly, “It’s not that simple…Even if Lilly is not studying in this kindergarten, Lilly still has to…apologize.”

“Why!” Suzi suddenly asked loudly.

Teacher Wei: “Shen’s only mother, it is indeed your daughter who beat Song Xingchen.”

“I want to check the video!” Suzi was still very angry.

In the five years since she came to this county seat, she has always been uncontested with the world, doing a job in obscurity, seeming to be honest with her books, but one thing is that Suzi has never allowed others to bully her daughter!


“I checked the video if it was my daughter’s fault, I would definitely apologize!” Suzi did not give in.

“Check it out! Check it out! Show her badly!” The fat man was the hardest.

Teacher Wei only needs to bite the bullet and check the video.

The result was not beyond what Suzi expected. It was Song Xingchen who laughed at Lilly as a child without a father. He also laughed at Lilly’s mother who had been in jail before, and she laughed at Lilly’s mother doing chores like a man on the construction site. Lilly, who is from his background, is not worthy of studying in this kindergarten. Because this kindergarten was sponsored by Grandpa Song Xingchen, it was an aristocratic kindergarten.

In aristocratic kindergartens, of course, you can’t accept petty ba5tards.

This is Song Xingchen’s only original remark.

When Song Xingchen was unprepared, Lilly punched Song Xingchen’s nose with blood.

Just after the fight, Teacher Wei took Song Xingchen to wash away the nosebleeds.

I don’t know if I check the video. When I check the video, the fat man saw that his son was bleeding. He got up from his chair and yelled at Suzi: “Your mothers will kneel for me right now. I apologize, or I won’t let you out of this school!”

The fat man only scolded Suzi with arrogance and domineering.

And Fatty’s wife Song Xingchen’s mother only checked whether other places on Song Xingchen’s body were injured. At this moment, no one could tell that Lilly had already sneaked behind Fatty, leaving Fatty sitting just now. The swivel chair was pulled aside.

The fat man sat down after roaring.

“Puff-Tong” The fat man sat firmly on the ground, and he let out a painful scream.

Suzi couldn’t help but smiled: “Puff…”

After laughing, she looked at Fatty and Fatty’s wife, and their son Song Xingchen, and said calmly: “I have watched the video. It was your son who insulted my daughter first. Children like you have no education at all, troublesome. You go home and educate well. It is wrong for my daughter to beat others, and I will go home to educate her. Goodbye!”

After speaking, I took my daughter and left.

Chapter 198

“You stop! You stinky girl!” The fat man sat on the ground, his tail bone hurt for a long time and couldn’t stand up. He sat on the ground and yelled: “You woman, dare you to walk out of the kindergarten door, I make you unable to eat. Go around. I will let you mother and daughter two zombies on the street!”

The scolding was too harsh, and the scared Lilly put his little hand in his mother’s hand and stiffened.

Suzi looked at her daughter distressedly: “The only thing is don’t be afraid, mother has a way to deal with them.”


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