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Punished by His Love (FULL book) novel Chapter 203

Read Chapter 203 – 204 of the Novel Punished by His Love.

Chapter 203

Where can they escape?

Suzi’s eyes suddenly became sore, she bit her lip desperately not to let herself suffer, and she did not look at Arron.

Arron continued: “The daily income is more than one million! And he has to live here for at least one week. Do you say that his lost work expenses, medical expenses, nutrition expenses, and all kinds of expenses add up to more than five million? “

Suzi: “…”

“I don’t see much, I should pay 10 million yuan!” Arron said flatly.

“Oh, Mr. Fu, thank you so much, thank you! You are right, you should compensate us 10 million!” Fatty Song became more confident.

Song Xingchen laughed at his age and was very fond of others. He yelled very sweetly with a small mouth, “Thank you, Uncle Fu.”

“Huh! Even if you find a hundred uncles to help you, I am the only one who is not afraid of you, you are still my defeated man! Song Xingchen has a kind of you and me singled out, we fight, if I defeat you , You must not blackmail my mother!” A high-pitched and tender voice suddenly came from outside the ward.

Suzi turned his head back in shock, and saw Lilly standing at the door.

Sanford, who was already pushing the wheelchair and sitting behind Lilly, became an ice sculpture.

Sanford was really worried that Suzi came alone, so he pushed the wheelchair and led Lilly, went out and made a taxi and drove straight to the hospital. He thought he was a man no matter how paralyzed he was, and he should stand in the front no matter what happened.

However, he never expected that he would see Arron here.

Sanford was stunned and couldn’t even speak.

Song Xingchen, who stood at Sanford’s feet, was proud: “Lilly, I don’t stand up against you. I now have Uncle Fu to help me. If you don’t kneel and kowtow, my Uncle Fu will kill you.

Not only to kill you, but also to kill your mother!


Kneel down and kowtow to me! “Lilly’s eyes widened, his hands clenched his fists, and before Song Xingchen could react, he rushed to Song Xingchen very quickly and pushed the triumphant Song Xingchen to the ground.

“Unique!” Suzi was frightened. She hugged Shen Unique in her arms and covered her ears and said: “Unique, run, run with uncle, don’t care about things here, run away with uncle. .”

After speaking, she dragged Lilly to rush out.

But it was blocked by Christopher: “Miss Shen…”

Suzi looked at Christopher in fear.

Lilly also broke free of Suzi’s hands, but shouted: “Mom, let’s not be afraid of them. The only thing to protect mother and uncle is to protect me. I am not afraid of this ugly little fat man! Come on, Song Xingchen You have a kind of singles with me! I will kill you!”

The only person Shen patronized to challenge Song Xingchen did not even see Arron standing next to Song Fatty.

However, Arron saw Lilly truly.

The little girl is five years old, taller than her peers, thinner, and three-pointed like Suzi with a small face.

The other seven points are exactly the same as Arron.

Arron’s heart was overwhelmed, and there was an unspeakable taste.

Six years!

He has been looking for them for six full years!

“Uncle Fu, help me kill Lilly, she is an illegitimate girl without a father! Little b!tch! uuu…” Song Xingchen was beaten and cried by Lilly.

Fatty Song on the hospital bed also grinned and yelled: “Oh, you little ba5tard, you dare to beat my son in front of us, and see if I don’t live to stab you today!”

Fatty Song’s wife had already rushed to the front, wanting to violently beat the only one by herself, but when she arrived, she was blocked by Christopher’s raised wrist.

Chapter 204


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