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Punished by His Love (FULL book) novel Chapter 227

Read Chapter 227 – 228 of the Novel Punished by His Love.

Chapter 227

Suzi’s face turned red in an instant, she cleared her throat and half-bended to ask Lilly: “Baby, tell mom, did you sleep well last night? Are you afraid?”

Lilly nodded, her face showing imperceptible pride, she pulled Suzi’s hand to make Suzi squat down, and quietly said in Suzi’s ear: “Mom, the bed in the stinky villain’s house is very comfortable, like a princess. It’s the same as the cradle. I dream of sleeping at night. I sleep very well. I’m not afraid at all.

Mom, the only one is brave.

Mom, did you sleep well last night? Are you scared? “

Shen Only’s bed was specially customized for her by Arron. The side of the bed was like a crooked moon, and the bed was surrounded by wreaths, like in a dream. Shen only liked it when he first came in yesterday.

However, she was still angry with Arron yesterday. She didn’t show it. Now she slept. Actually, Shen Zai hadn’t been very angry with Arron anymore, and she wasn’t too afraid of Arron.

But she wants to protect her mother.

She knew that her mother was afraid of Arron.

Looking at my mother now, it seems that she is still very afraid of this stinky villain.

Suzi smiled slightly and looked at Lilly: “The only one who sleeps comfortably, mother is relieved. Mother…”

How can she tell the only one that she was entangled with the bad guy in the only mouth last night?

She was embarrassed to speak out.

“Mom, did the badass prepare a bed for you? Did he let you sleep last night?” The only question and answer that was worried.

Suzi: “…”

The housemaid next to him couldn’t help but smile.

The man called the stinky villain by Lilly looked at Lilly without expression and said bluntly: “I didn’t prepare the bed for your mother, so your mother slept with me last night, and I held her all night!”

Suzi’s face turned redder, and she dropped her head until she almost fell to the floor. Lilly asked innocently: “Mom is not a child, how can you be hugged by you as a bad guy!”

“Although your mother is not a child, she is afraid to sleep alone. You used to sleep with your mother in your arms in Quxian, but now it’s me.” Arron said without changing her face.

“Oh.” Lilly couldn’t find the right words to refute the bad guys.

She thinks that the bad guys are also reasonable. She used to sleep with her mother. Now she sleeps in such a beautiful bed by herself. There is no one to hug her mother. It seems that the bad guys are not that bad?

Becoming more and more pleasing?

Lilly looked up at Arron questioningly.

“The only thing is, your mother hasn’t woken up yet. She will continue to sleep. You will go to the company with me after you eat and eat.” Arron said.

Lilly: “Why are you going to the company?”

Suzi was also anxious: “Why take the only one away, where will I go where the only one is going!”

The man turned his head and looked at Suzi with a strange expression: “What kind of brain circuit are you? Do you have any clothes? Do you run around the streets in one of my large shirts?”

Suzi suddenly concluded.

He was right.

“Can’t you leave the only one at home? I can’t run if I dress like this.” Suzi asked again.

“No! She is my hostage!” Arron replied mercilessly. As soon as he lowered his head, he looked at the girl who was looking up at him and ordered: “Go and eat! Your mother needs a rest. I will take her to rest now.”

After finishing speaking, before Suzi could react, he hugged Suzi and walked into his bedroom.

I walked to the door, and when I turned around I saw the little thing looking at him.

Arron’s eyes widened, and Lilly immediately kicked off.

Chapter 228

She is not afraid of bad guys now, she finds it funny.


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