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Punished by His Love (FULL book) novel Chapter 263

Read Chapter 263 – 264 of the Novel Punished by His Love.

Chapter 263

It doesn’t matter.

As long as his daughter has school, she can live.

Other things are not important to Suzi.

After thinking about this, Suzi actually felt at ease. After the man left, she lay lazily on the man’s bed, sometimes rolling to sleep, and sometimes falling back to sleep.

She really didn’t want to sleep anymore, so she just got up and took a bath.

His bathtub is surprisingly big, and the facilities inside are all available. It’s not known how high-end is the bathtub of high-end baths. Suzi lay alone in the huge bathtub, sitting on his special bathtub seat, enjoying the slowly warm water blowing from the bottom of the bathtub.

It’s like a hot spring.

Suzi became more and more lazy, she closed her eyes and enjoyed it quietly.

But he didn’t notice it at all. At the other end, the man in the office was watching all this.

He didn’t mean to spy on her.

He just wanted to see if she was resting obediently, but unfortunately, he saw this scene.

After the woman lay in the bathtub for about half an hour, she came out with pure water droplets.

She was barefoot, gently and skillfully stepping on his carpet, walking back and forth in the bedroom without wearing a bathrobe, let alone using a towel to wipe the drops of water, just walking back and forth, as if Appreciating his bedroom.

After appreciating it for a while, she opened his wardrobe as she wanted, and took out a piece of his shirt from it and put it on her body.

The man suddenly gave a gruff in the office.

She… was addicted to wearing his white shirt!

However, she does not have a special charm in his shirt. The man watched her wearing his shirt and came to the balcony of the glass sun room, lying on the wicker chair, dangling.

Her expression was lazy and quiet. Like a well-behaved kitten that I’m used to enjoying.

The man in the office looking at the computer at all this is reluctant to turn off the monitor.

Suzi lay on the wicker chair for a while and then returned to the big bed, put on his shirt and lay on the quilt to continue sleeping.

Until noon for dinner, the domestic helper Li’s wife knocked on the door and said, “Madam, it’s time to eat.”

“Oh…” Suzi replied lazily.

His hair is still a bit wet, wearing a men’s shirt, and his dark gray home slippers are on his feet. The shoes fit on his feet, but they can be worn on Suzi’s feet, just like children’s. Like shoes, it looks delicate and cute.

Sister Li smiled and said, “Madam, sit down and eat, and I will help you to dry your hair. After eating, you will sleep for a while, and I will give you medicine before you go to bed, so that your body will recover quickly.”

“Well, thank you.” Suzi answered obediently.

The lunch was a little light, but it was delicious. Suzi ate a lot. After eating, he continued to sleep until four o’clock in the afternoon. Christopher came to pick up Suzi on time, and then sent Suzi to a high-end dress shop. VIP room.

Arron in a suit and leather shoes is sitting there with her long legs folded, looking through the style drawings

Suzi is not stupid. She knew at a glance that Arron was going to buy a dress for her. Suzi came to Arron and asked in an obedient tone: “Are you going to take me to see someone tonight?”

Does this begin?

She suddenly became nervous.

“Have you seen it, Kraig.”


Suzi asked warmly: “Is this the man I saw in your office yesterday afternoon?”

The man also said a few words to her.

“Yes!” the man replied.

Suzi blurted out and asked: “That man seems to be a very picky person, doesn’t he dislike me?”

Chapter 264

Arron’s face suddenly changed. He gritted his teeth and asked, “What did you say?”


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