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Punished by His Love (FULL book) novel Chapter 2814

Chapter 2814

The fake Yvonne was stunned for a while, and then she became overjoyed. 'Are you...are you being serious? There are really plenty of people who have helped me over the years, and I really needed to thank them. Also, they...'

Marcus looked calmly at the fake Yvonne. "Also, what?"

'Many of them are quite poor, but while they were poor, they still helped me. There was a year when I got seriously sick, and the expenses alone were a few more than two hundred thousand dollars, and it was all crowdfunded by these people. I was thinking..."

"They saved your life! More than two hundred thousand dollars! Even if we were to repay them tenfold or a hundredfold, that won't even be enough for us to repay the kindness they've shown US. How about this, Yvonne? You list down all the people who have helped you. I planned to give them a property each as a gift. A big apartment in downtown South City!" Marcus said incomparably generously.

'What...what did you say?" The fake Yvonne's eyes widened.

"What's the matter?" Marcus smiled. "Are you doubting your husband's financial power?'

The fake Yvonne said, "A big apartment in downtown South City is going to be more than ten million dollars no matter what. Do you...do you know how many people who have helped me are there?"

Marcus pursed his lips and smiled. "My adorable wife, don't tell me that you have more than ten thousand people who have helped you over the years. If there are ten thousand people, then I indeed can't afford it. That's going to be more than one hundred billion dollars. I'll really have to go bankrupt. There can't really be ten thousand people who have helped you, can there? If that's really the case, then your husband will have to retract what he said."

The fake Yvonne smiled very sweetly. 'There's really not as many as ten thousand people, hubby. It's less than a hundred people. I just feel that even if it's less than a hundred, it's a hefty sum. If you really give them an apartment each as a gift, that's going to be hundreds of millions. I will feel bad, but..."

Seeing that she wanted to say something but she held her tongue, Marcus immediately continued, "But what, baby? I can make more after the money's gone. Are you doubting your husband's ability to make money? I'll let you know that I've indeed been a little dejected over the years and I've earned a little less. But you're back now. I have motivation again. I'll put my back into it and earn more in the future. I'm guessing that I will certainly be able to make as much in the future as the money that we've given away. Don't feel bad."

The fake Yvonne immediately nodded. "Mm-hmm. Alright, hubby, alright. Whatever you say."

Speaking of that, she said in a half-joking and half-serious tone. "Hubby, you planned to reward so many people, but why didn't you plan to reward me? Do you feel that I deserved all the hardships that I've suffered over the years, and I've lost your two children, so you're blaming me?"

While saying that, the fake Yvonne's tears streamed down her face.

Marcus immediately hugged the fake Yvonne while feeling sorry. "After we have our wedding and after I rewarded those friends of yours, we immediately have the legal document done. In the future, my money is yours and your money is mine! In the future, the entire Shaw family is yours. How else do you want me to reward you?"

The fake Yvonne pouted and smiled. "Really?"


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