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Punished by His Love (FULL book) novel Chapter 315

Read Chapter 315 – 316 of the Novel Punished by His Love.

Chapter 315

Qin Shuang couldn’t help but sneered slightly.

It hurts!

A daughter born to a prisoner! How could it hurt you!

Thinking about this, Qin Shuang’s wishful thinking in her heart became louder. She touched Shen’s sole head: “Auntie will help you do the handwork together.”

Lilly shook his head: “Aunty who is not needed, the only thing to do is to be done by one person, so that I can show my sincerity.”

Qin Shuang: “…” This is really a villain.

After marrying, the first thing is to get rid of this villain!

“Well, Auntie will listen to you.” Qin Shuang said.

The colored pens were quickly bought back. Money is easy to do. The domestic helper bought back a lot of colored pens with 500 yuan. Among them, there are as many as a dozen green pens. Shen only took the pen. , Took small scissors, took the drawing paper, and did it again and again seriously.

Qin Shuang wanted to take a look from time to time, but Lilly only kept holding it, saying that it was confidential and not allowed to look at it.

Qin Yu curled his lips and turned aside.

She didn’t pay attention to what kind of gifts this little illegitimate girl made. She just wanted to please this little ba5tard girl. If the gift made by the illegitimate girl is not good-looking, Qin Shuang can put all the responsibility on the illegitimate girl.

Lilly’s hands-on ability is very strong, and she quickly finished the handwork. After she was done, she didn’t show it to Qin Shuang, but folded it neatly and held it in her hand.

“I’m fine, Auntie.” Lilly said sweetly: “You take me to see my grandfather.”

“Let’s go!” Qin Shuang stretched out his hand to sign Shen Only hand, and Lilly only retracted his hand immediately.

“What’s wrong?” Qin Shuang asked.

Lilly said: “My mother said that there are a lot of bad people outside.” Qin Shuang asked deliberately: “Then has anyone told you that your mother is also a bad person?”

Lilly nodded: “This is what my father told me. Auntie, is my mother a bad person?”

Qin Shuang said: “Little princess, your father is right. Your mother is not only a bad person, but also a heinous big bad person. So, you shouldn’t mention your mother in front of your father in the future, you know? You have to mention it more. Auntie me.”

Lilly nodded: “I know Auntie, Auntie, you are so kind. Auntie, let’s go over quickly.”

“Good!” Qin Shuang said happily.

Lilly was in front, and Qin Shuang came back to the hall together. At this time, there were a few more people in the hall, including Mr. Shu, who had just entered, and his granddaughter Lanita.

Seeing the arrival of Lilly, Lanita immediately knew that this was Suzi’s daughter, the woman they were talking about just now, Arron.

Saw the little girl coming in. Lanita’s eyes were simply angry. She raised her hand and took Arron’s arm, and asked coquettishly: “Four Lord, she… is the child left over from that damned female prisoner?”

Arron was cold and silent, he only looked at Lilly.

At this time, Lilly came to Lanita and asked sweetly: “Auntie, are you my father’s fiancée?”


“I have a gift for you.” Lilly said.

Qin Shuang behind him: “…” This kid, why did he change his mind so quickly, didn’t he say he was going to give it to the old lady? She is such a clumsy one!

Qin Shuang stomped angrily.

Lilly still looked at Lanita with a smile on his face: “Auntie, you squat down.”

Lanita rolled her eyes and squatted down reluctantly. Lilly immediately unfolded the small hand-made work he was holding in his hand, and put it on Lanita’s head grinningly.

Chapter 316


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