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Punished by His Love (FULL book) novel Chapter 325

Read Chapter 325 – 326 of the Novel Punished by His Love.

Chapter 325

This little thing has always been fearless. He has been in the kindergarten in Quxian for two years, and it is impossible to count the number of fights with young boys in the kindergarten.

Of course, every time Lilly fights with other Xiaoou friends, either because others laugh at her for not having a father, or because others slander her mother in front of her.

Every time, Lilly was able to defeat other children bravely.

I used to play children in the kindergarten, but today, have you upgraded to provoke adults?

Suzi broke into a cold sweat on his back.

How complicated is the adult world? How could it be the only thing the five-year-old Shen could understand thoroughly. After all, the child is still young, no matter how fierce and brave, he can’t compete with adults.

Suzi’s main concern is the safety of his daughter.

She yelled on the phone: “The only one! Mom tells you that next time you play a prank on an adult, I will slap your A55! I don’t want you!”

Lilly: “…” He wanted to cry when he curled his lips. She squeezed her nose and said in a crying voice: “Mom, I just want to help you…”

“Mom doesn’t need you to help me. Mom doesn’t want you to cause trouble outside!” Suzi said harshly. She has always been strict in the discipline of children, thinking that children must be strictly educated from an early age.

“But mom, those two women want to grab…”

“Mom tells you again, mother doesn’t need it! Lilly must be obedient, you know! Don’t provoke adults next time, if I know that you’re going crazy next time, see if I don’t blow… .”

“My daughter! I can’t tolerate you to intimidate her like this!” Before Suzi finished speaking, Arron yelled him back at the end of the phone.

Suzi: “…” Arron’s tone was cold and frosty: “Why don’t you provoke an adult? The only two people who provoke today are because the two women were wrong first! Are you letting the only one endure grievances? You How did this mother educate my daughter!”

Arron was actually even more angry that Suzi didn’t need one bite at a time. She knew that her daughter was trying to help her drive away the women beside him, but she didn’t need one bite at all.

Is he so unwelcome!

Suzi: “…”

When he was about to say something, Arron had already hung up on the other end.

Suzi’s heart was overwhelming. He was originally worried that the only person who had gone back to the old house would be in trouble. Now when I heard that the only person who had offended the old house, there were two people who were offended. Suzi felt even more so. Anxious.

I originally thought of this company to eat a meal outside, and then go to the library to buy a few books related to architecture, and then check the information, so that I can fully prepare for my future work.

But now, Suzi just wants to go home quickly.

Entering the elevator, she pressed the elevator button, and Suzi kept staring at the digital display. When she reached the first floor, as soon as the elevator stopped, she rushed out like flying, and hit a person who entered the elevator. .

The man was holding a stack of documents in his arm and was hit by Suzi. He fell into the elevator. Suzi immediately replied, “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry.”

While saying sorry, she also squatted down to pick up the documents that fell on the ground.

While she was picking up the documents, the man who was hit also said gently: “It’s okay. I’ll pick it up.” She knelt down and picked up the documents with Suzi.

Suzi’s speed was very fast. She handed the documents she picked up to the man. The man took a look at Suzi while receiving the information.

The man was stunned immediately: “Suzi!”

Suzi suddenly raised his head and was stunned: “Why… why are you?”

Chapter 326

Darius is also much more mature than six years ago, and has a more refined temperament. Suzi still remembers that when she fled from Nancheng, Darius helped her a lot. Back then, she stopped Arron from the rental house. Darius also helped her when she got married.


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