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Punished by His Love (FULL book) novel Chapter 331

Read Chapter 331 – 332 of the Novel Punished by His Love.

Chapter 331

Does Darius look at her eyes?

How is it possible?

She was a woman who was captured by Arron. She was notorious even in Nancheng six years ago. And Darius, his family background is not inferior to Arron, how could he like himself?

At most, it’s just because of temporary guilt, pity yourself.

After a long while, Suzi laughed at himself and asked Suzi: “Are you eating Darius’s vinegar?”

“Yes!” Arron said bluntly.

Suzi: “…”

I didn’t expect him to answer this way.

He is jealous, how is this possible?

In Arron’s tone, there was a hint of complaint: “Your good daughter! Defeated two women in the Fu family’s old house in the morning. She is very domineering and defending your rights!”

Lilly didn’t let him contact any women outside, and dared someone to offend her mother’s territory. The five-year-old little milk dumpling made people look good every minute, but when she came to her, the little milk dumpling actually allowed her to be accompanied by a handsome guy!

Is this fair!

Can he not be jealous!

Feeling angry!

Suzi: “…”

Not to mention Lilly, Suzi immediately thought of what happened during the day when Lilly was mentioned. It happened that Lilly ran to the cloakroom with a small snack in his hand, tilted his head, and looked at his mother. , Looked at Dad again. Then happily came to my mother, winked and said: “Mom, you squat down.”

Suzi immediately squatted down, only to hear Suzi grinning and saying: “Uncle Christopher has a nice photo on his phone. That woman’s face was beaten by an old grandfather, like a short pumpkin. Fingerprints, like the pattern of a dwarf pumpkin.”

Suzi: “The only one…who was beaten in the face?”

Didn’t two women tear each other?

Why did an old grandpa fight again?

Suzi just wanted to know if this matter had anything to do with the only one.

“It’s the woman named Lanita. She always says she is Dad’s fiancée, huh! There is also a woman named Qin Shuang, who still wants to be my mother, huh, she’s not shy!” Shen sole voice Very domineering.

Suzi: “…”

I finally understood from the daughter’s complaint that there were two female guests in the old house of Fu’s family today, one was Lanita, and that was Arron’s well-known fiancee. There is another surnamed Qin.

Undoubtedly, it should have something to do with Qin Wenyu, the renter of the Fu family. It should be Qin Wenyu’s maiden family, right?

Both of these two women are not easy to offend.

And the girl, actually offended two at once?


Suzi looked up at Arron in a panic: “That…the only thing she is not sensible…”

Arron screamed: “Do you know how bad consequences she caused today?”

Suzi didn’t see it, but she could imagine that when she was in a panic, Arron’s cell phone rang suddenly. He picked it up and glanced at it, and immediately connected: “Hey…”

At the other end, Lanita’s voice: “Four… Fourth Master, yes… I’m sorry.”

Chapter 332


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