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Punished by His Love (FULL book) novel Chapter 347

Read Chapter 347 – 348 of the Novel Punished by His Love.

Chapter 347

Suzi didn’t speak any more, but picked up the materials Linda threw to her and carefully sorted them out.

No one finds her fault, she is naturally willing to work here.

The first day I came to this company to work, it was so mixed. Suzi originally thought that Linda would make things difficult for her, so that she would have to sort out these materials during overtime work at night. However, what Suzi did not expect was that it was half past five. After work, Linda said to her: “There is no habit of working overtime in the company. Those data can be sorted out tomorrow. Don’t make yourself a yellow-faced woman. Then you won’t even be a junior. Get off work! “

Although Linda’s words were ugly, Suzi didn’t care about it anymore.

Like other employees in the company, she walked out of the design department with a bag. When she came to the front desk, she saw Galia waiting for her.

“Suzi.” Galia exclaimed excitedly.

“It’s off work.” Suzi smiled.

“How’s your work done?” Galia asked.

“Very good.” Suzi returned.

The two punched the card, entered the elevator together, got off the elevator, and came out. Then Galia whispered to her: “Tell you, the people on our floor today are talking about Rayna, you know, Rayna ran away Went out and didn’t come to work all afternoon.

She has always been arrogant in the company, and today is the first time she has been so flat.

I tell you, happy to happy, if she still works here in the future, you have to guard her. “

Suzi nodded: “Well, thank you.”

“Hey, do you really know Walton’s cousin…Joan?” Galia started gossiping again.

“What did your cousin say?” With such a gossip, Galia couldn’t help asking her cousin in advance.

“How do you know that I asked my cousin, you can guess everything.” Galia smiled: “However, my cousin didn’t say anything, I just said, let me take care of you in the company. If someone bullies you, let me tell him.

Are you my cousin’s girlfriend? “

Suzi: “…”

When they didn’t know how to answer, Suzi and Galia parked a car in front of them. Galia immediately shouted in surprise, “Ah, my brother. I really mean Cao Cao, Cao Cao is here.”

At this time, Christopher poked his head out of the car: “Galia, take the bus back by yourself!”

Suzi also slightly pursed his lips to say goodbye to Galia, “See you tomorrow, Galia.” After he finished speaking, he opened the door and got into the car.

Galia: “…”

Watching Suzi get in his cousin’s car and leave, Galia muttered to herself behind her, “It’s really my brother’s girlfriend, then I should take care of you more in the future.”

Here, Christopher’s car has already drove out very happily.

The man next to Suzi was closing his eyes to rest his mind. Suzi wanted to ask him nothing. After a few minutes, she asked Christopher, “Assistant Yan, the only one? The kindergarten children usually leave the kindergarten at half past four.”

“Pick you up first, now I will pick up the only one.” The man next to him said abruptly.

Suzi was startled and looked at the man in a blink of an eye, the man looked casual.

Suzi bit his lip and didn’t speak any more.

“How was your work on the first day?” Arron asked casually.

“Very good.” For her, having a job and being able to support herself is the best.

“There was nothing happening?” Arron asked again.

Suzi did not answer.

The man next to her has hands and eyes open to the sky, regardless of her first day at work in the company, but Arron must be clear about what happened that day.

After a few seconds, she said softly: “Don’t you know everything?”

“I want you to tell me by yourself, what’s wrong with Lenny?” the man said tepidly.

Chapter 348


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