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Punished by His Love (FULL book) novel Chapter 355

Read Chapter 355 – 356 of the Novel Punished by His Love.

Chapter 355

Suzi: “…”

She seriously suspects that there are major problems with Arron’s aesthetics.

However, she changed her clothes anyway.

Because she didn’t want to blink too much.

However, Lilly resisted loudly: “It doesn’t look good!”

“Objection is invalid!” Arron stared at Lilly, “I agree with your mother to wear this suit, and your mother herself agrees with her to wear this suit. The minority obeys the majority, so the objection is invalid!”

Shen Only: “…”

She pouted her mouth and gave Arron a very unhappy look: “Installing a robot tonight will defeat you! Humph!”

Suzi: “Puff…”

Arron glanced at Suzi, and Suzi immediately fell silent.

A family of three didn’t talk to anyone until Christopher drove to pick them up. As soon as the family of three got in the car, Christopher saw some clues when they drove.

Christopher found that although the family of three did not speak to each other, the atmosphere in the carriage was warm.

Christopher was caught off guard by being stuffed with dog food.

He boldly asked: “You…”

“Yesterday I defeated my father!” Lilly flaunted to Christopher excitedly.

Christopher: “Oh… Yeah, little princess, tell Uncle Christopher, how did you beat your father?”

“I delved into the installation steps of the robot myself. I installed it faster than the badass dad, and I installed more styles than the badass dad, so I defeated the badass dad!” The little girl was very excited.

She couldn’t sleep with excitement last night.

Although the badass dad put her to sleep at first, she woke up again as soon as the badass dad left. She really wanted to be with the badass dad. In fact, Lilly no longer wanted to say the words’badass’. Up. However, she just couldn’t change her mouth for a while.

Moreover, for the sake of his mother and uncle, Lilly didn’t want to be so fond of his father so soon.

Christopher coaxed Shen Weiyi and said: “Oh, little princess, your father is not something ordinary people can defeat. In this world, there are probably only two people who can defeat your father. One is your mother.

There is another, you little princess!

Little princess, you have defeated your dad, so tell me, how do you want to punish your dad? “

Christopher was originally a joke.

He thought, no matter what, the little princess couldn’t punish her father.

As a result, Lilly immediately said more excitedly: “Hehe, I almost pulled my dad’s nostrils into pig nostrils yesterday…”

Christopher: “…”

The eyeballs almost didn’t fall off.

“That…” Christopher suffocated his laugh, he now has a great impulse, he wants to change his job as a reporter.

He has absolutely exclusive first-hand information.

Regarding the richest man in Nancheng, Nancheng’s veneer Shura, who kills people without blinking, Arron, the president of the Fu Group, was pulled into the exclusive information of pig nostrils.

Aow buy Karma!

It’s so explosive!

“That…” Christopher calmed down his excitement and asked again: “Little princess, your record is outstanding, what did you do last night?”

Maybe, I can dig a little bit more fiercely.

Although Christopher felt that this was basically impossible.

However, what Christopher didn’t expect was that, without stopping for a minute, Lilly exploded even more fierce news to reporter Yan: “I saw my father hug my mother last night.”

“Puff…” Christopher, who was driving, almost didn’t choke to death with a mouthful of dog food.

Chapter 356

The child speaks unscrupulously.


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