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Punished by His Love (FULL book) novel Chapter 385

Read Chapter 385 – 386 of the Novel Punished by His Love.

Chapter 385

Suzi: “…”

She originally wanted to increase by two thousand, but she did not expect to increase by five thousand, which was beyond her imagination.

But if he stays, Suzi also wants a better environment.

She said again: “Yes, the director, but I have a condition. I will not be Linda’s assistant anymore. I will be Linda’s boss, that is, the artwork drawn by Linda. Give me a look.

Is this okay? “

Suzi didn’t want to crush Linda.

On the first day and the second day when she first came to the company, when she proofread Linda’s manuscript, she found that Linda’s design techniques were very good, and her design techniques were not the same as those of Suzi in the past.

Suzi must also learn from the experience of others.

Since it is learned, the best way is for all Linda’s designs to be reviewed by Suzi, which couldn’t be better.

Seeing that the design director did not speak, Suzi immediately said, “I don’t need her 100,000 yuan. Since everyone is a colleague, colleagues should help each other, so there is no need to ask for money.”

“Yes, you can, that would be great. I’ll let Linda be your assistant in the future.” The design director said immediately.

“Okay, thank you.” Suzi said with satisfaction. After speaking, she respectfully said to the design director: “Then…Director, should I go back to work first? Still sitting in my original seat?”

“No, you are the master now. You and Linda swap seats. You sit in Linda’s seat, you go first, I will call the personnel department to inform them, and then I will go over and arrange for you.”

“Good director, I passed.” After speaking, Suzi left the design director’s office.

When he came to the door of the design department, Suzi heard the discussion of the design department before he entered the door.

To be precise, he was speaking ill of Suzi behind his back.

After all, there are only a few women.

In the architectural design department, there are more men than women, and there are only a few women in total, but where there are women, right and wrong are indispensable.

Several women were fighting for Linda.

“What the hell! I think Suzi is just getting into trouble and blackmailing!”

“The director also thinks she has experience or something. To put it bluntly, it’s not that she has been on the construction site for a long time before, and she has seen a lot of materials. She is the designer’s material, she is just a female migrant worker on the construction site!”

“I don’t know what kind of abuse she gave Mr. Junshi to make Mr. Jun like her so much. Originally Mr. Jun wanted to invite Linda to dinner, but Mr. Jun now ignores Linda.”


“Don’t look at the soil, you are in the bone!”

“You women, can you keep your morals? I think Suzi is not bad. She is honest, responsible, and busy. Linda has solved big problems. You shouldn’t talk about her like that.” One of the gays is the truth. Can’t stop, the fight is injustice.

“I also think that the little girl is shy and obedient, very pure.”

“As I think, I like that one.”

Hearing a group of male colleagues defending Suzi, Linda slapped the table angrily: “There is a kind of Suzi who took me 100,000 yuan and don’t come back! If she returns to work shamelessly, I will let her be under my hand. Not as good as…”

“Linda!” Suzi’s voice calmly came from behind: “Please pack the supplies on your desk. From now on, this will be my seat.”

Chapter 386

Linda: “…”

Several female colleagues: “…”

“You…what do you mean?” Linda asked after a long while.

Suzi was originally a person who was not good at communication. She only said truthfully: “I will stay and continue to work. My seat will be swapped with you. I will sit in your seat and you will be my assistant in the future.


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