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Punished by His Love (FULL book) novel Chapter 417

Read Chapter 417 – 418 of the Novel Punished by His Love.

Chapter 417

However, what can Qin Wenyu say?

She and Shanna fought for a lifetime.

I thought that Shanna could be properly suppressed under his own hands. Even Shanna’s only son was exiled outside without any inheritance rights. Who knew that her son could turn over overnight.

Can all of her Qin Wenyu’s sons be wiped out?

It died silently.

She is now a childless person, and the only name living in this old house is Fu Zhengxiong’s wife, and nothing else.

At this time, Qin Wenyu really didn’t dare to shelter Qin Shuang.

She can only droop her face and watch Qin Shuang being driven out. Qin Shuang just clutched his hot face, and was driven out of the Fu family’s door under the eyes of all the servants of the Fu family.

“Let’s eat.” Mrs. Fu finally showed a smile on her face.

This meal, because of the old lady’s shelter, Father Fu has not spoken much, and it is not difficult for Suzi to spread it out. On the contrary, because there is a daughter by his side, the little princess is very good at protecting her mother.

I’ll let my mother eat this one, and then let my mother eat that one.

Suzi who was eating was panicked.

Suzi was eating at the Fu’s house. At the other end, Qin Shuang, who was kicked out of the house, was reluctant to leave at the Fu’s gate.

It was not until he saw Arron holding Lilly and Suzi following behind him that Qin Shuang took out his mobile phone and called his aunt Qin Yingyu, crying and crying.

Qin Wenyu immediately let Qin Shuang sneak into the house.

“Zhengxiong, I let Shuang’er live at home, not entirely for my own sake. You have also seen that your son not only ignores me, but also ignores you. What do you think our old couple can do in the future? It’s not that I have to rely on Qin’er, I let Shuang’er be Qin’er’s wife, at least Shuang’er will k!ss us in the future. After giving birth to a child, he will also be our grandson.

But what is Suzi? “Qin Wenyu said to Fu Zhengxiong while crying.

Fu Zhengxiong was silent.

The old wife was right.

The only way the old couple can hold Arron is to find a wife for Arron, and this wife must work with Fu Zhengxiong and Qin Wenyu. Fu Zhengxiong and Qin Wenyu do not want Lanita to marry Arron. I don’t want the current Suzi to be Arron’s wife.

After being silent for a while, Fu Zhengxiong comforted his wife and niece: “Qin’er is also considered a big deal. You don’t understand his temper. The more you don’t let him do things, the more he will do it against you!

Although he brought Suzi today and announced the identity of Suzi, you can see that Suzi’s dress is completely out of tune with Qin’er. Where is Qin’er’s favorite wife?

It was completely using Suzi as a shield.

He is the one who knows how to avenge him. Six years ago, he had an enmity with Suzi. Now he can change his attitude?


He marrying Suzi is the only one who can have a complete family. As long as Shuang’er treats the one sincerely in the future, Shuang’er still has a great chance. “

“Really uncle?” Qin Shuang saw the hope, and his face didn’t hurt anymore.

“Of course!” Fu Zhengxiong said.

Regardless of whether Arron was his own son, he had to use an outsider to trap his son.

Fu Zhengxiong said with a cold face: “The pair of yellow wax stone jade bracelets are the heirlooms of the Fu family. In any case, you can’t let a woman who has been in prison wear them.”

At this moment, Suzi, who was just sitting in the car, was taking off the pair of jade bracelets and handing them to Arron: “Here.”

Arron’s face suddenly turned cold: “Put it on!”

Chapter 418

Suzi said bluntly: “This is the heirloom of your Fu family, I don’t want it.”

She felt hot when she took this kind of heirloom, just like the jade bracelet Shanna gave her last time, which almost brought her a fatal disaster. Until a few days ago, Arron asked her where the bracelet went. ?


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