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Punished by His Love (FULL book) novel Chapter 429

Read Chapter 429 – 430 of the Novel Punished by His Love.

Chapter 429

Sure enough, the grandpa at the other end immediately said angrily: “Humph! Don’t mention that woman! As soon as she is mentioned, I wish I could beat her to death!”

“Grandpa, what happened to that woman?” Joan asked Fu Hengsheng and you.

“She, dogs can’t change their food. Six years later, she is still the woman who cheats everywhere and wants to make a profit in the upper class. Just yesterday, she cheated our family heirloom away from our Fu family. , That pair of yellow wax stones! You

Who will blame your grandmother for this.

She is confused when she is over ninety years old! I even gave such a good treasure to such a woman! “

Joan coaxed grandpa’s tone: “Maybe, my fourth brother really wants to marry her as his wife?”

“Your cousin?” Fu Hengsheng sneered: “Is he such a condescending person? Want a mess! A cruel person like him definitely won’t want that woman! I don’t know what he thinks. The whole Fu family The family is already in his hands, but he still resents us and your uncles and aunts, and still doesn’t have one mind.

Actually use such a woman to deal with us.

He just wanted that woman to anger us alive and squander us.

After we died, he was dealing with the woman.

But we can’t wait.

The descendants of the Fu family are now very withered, and now there is only one little girl. I think you let your cousin marry a famous family and inherit the generations of the Fu family. Am I wrong!


I’m so mad at that woman!

My Fu Hengsheng is old, but if I kill a woman, I still have that ability! “

Joan: “But she is the mother of your great-granddaughter.”

“Humph.” The guy snorted again: “The entire Nancheng, if you want to be the only woman who is a mother, can go around Nancheng!” Thinking that he should have escaped, Joan just stopped. Coaxing grandpa: “Grandpa, rest early, don’t be angry, you still have to coax my cousin well in the future.

You rest early, I hang up grandpa. “

Didn’t wait for Grandpa to recover. Joan hung up the phone.

He sat in the car alone and was silent for a long time.

What she thought in her mind was Suzi facing him, that calm, calm, calm and speechless appearance, her temperament has not changed much from six years ago, she is the kind of seemingly submissive, but in fact, her heart is very strong. A woman with her own opinion.

Moreover, Suzi has more mature flavor than six years ago.

She is more difficult to persuade now than she was six years ago.

The decision she made in her heart is impossible for anyone to shake.

When he thought of this, Joan had an unspeakable state of mind towards Suzi.

Is it love?

Is it regret?

Is it a kind of sadness that can never be obtained again?

Mix all kinds of moods together.

In short, he and Suzi are drifting away. Perhaps Suzi has no place for him to stay in his heart long ago, but he has to admit that he is full of Suzi.

Chapter 430


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