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Punished by His Love (FULL book) novel Chapter 433

Read Chapter 433 – 434 of the Novel Punished by His Love.

Chapter 433

“Mom, something is wrong between you and Dad today.” Lilly is very good at words and expressions.

Suzi asked gently: “What’s wrong?”

She and Arron were not right, they were right that day?

They didn’t look like normal couples in the first place, okay!

Normal couples, shouldn’t it be that couples are talking and laughing, sometimes they are happy, sometimes they are awkward, but most of them are quarrels on the bedside?

But what about them?

She talks very little, and he doesn’t talk much.

She couldn’t guess what he was thinking.

Just like this moment, she didn’t know how he would question her next.

However, Suzi does not matter.

It was Shen only, the little girl mysteriously said to Suzi: “Mom, did you teach your boyfriend outside?”

Suzi was taken aback, and then she laughed angrily by her daughter: “Little thing! How do you know so much at a young age! What kind of boyfriend! Do you know what a boyfriend means? Ah? You little illiterate!”

Lilly pouted and said unconvinced: “Although I am illiterate, I also know what boyfriend means. Boyfriend means that my dad is particularly afraid of losing you. I am particularly afraid of your boyfriend taking you away. “

Suzi: “…”

After a while, she said to her daughter: “Don’t talk nonsense!” Lilly smiled again, and then she motioned to her mother to squat down, lying in her mother’s ears and saying, “Hey hey, rest assured mother, I won’t talk to my father. Say, I can see that he is afraid of you being taken away by another boyfriend.

Anyway, it’s not someone who robbed you of my dad. Someone robbed you from my father, I’m so happy it’s too late. “

Suzi: “…”

What kind of bear is this?

If her pro-father Arron knew that she cheated her pro-father in this way, would her pro-father still interact with her so thunderously every day?

It turns out that it still will!

After dinner, Arron took Lilly to play with her as usual. He didn’t know how men could have such a big contrast. When he was cold and ruthless, he was like a living king.

However, when he was in front of his daughter, he was a good father.

Suzi really couldn’t guess the man’s heart.

She didn’t want to guess either.

When the man coaxed her daughter, she washed as usual and gave herself a facial treatment. Just after finishing all this, when she came out of the bathroom from the bathroom on the boat, she ran into Arron on her head.

Arron was standing outside the bathroom door.

There was a cold breath on his body, he should have just taken a bath, and it was a cold shower.

He is used to taking cold showers, even in the winter, he will not change his habits.

Suzi was shivered by the cold air on his body, and then stuttered: “You…what are you doing?”

Chapter 434

“To your own man, what else would you say besides this?” The man was strange.

His tone was grotesque.

It’s like a kind of little sentiment between husband and wife.

He had never spoken to himself in such a tone before.

Suzi couldn’t figure him out, so she lowered her voice slightly and said, “Are you asking me why I appeared in the cafe with Joan today?”

The man asked her: “Do you want to explain?”

Suzi: “I don’t want to.” Because he explained that he would not listen, let alone believe it. Once, six years ago, during the two months she took care of Aunt Shanna, there were many misunderstandings between them.


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