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Punished by His Love (FULL book) novel Chapter 453

Read Chapter 453 – 454 of the Novel Punished by His Love.

Chapter 453

Lilly, who was holding hands, was also stunned: “Mom! You are very different today!”

Suzi immediately asked: “What’s the only one, oh, the only one you wear so little today? Are you cold? Do you wear so little a day in kindergarten?”

Lilly looked at his mother with a sullen look: “Huh! You have only seen me wear so little until now, then I tell you, since I got off Uncle Christopher’s car, I ran around our community. Circle, you didn’t notice it? Fortunately, I didn’t meet an uncle trafficker. If I met an uncle trafficker and were carried away by them, if you only think of me now, I have been carried to the airport and flew away. It’s far, far away!”

Suzi cast a blank glance at the girl.

Immediately, his face turned red.

She was indeed just now. She wanted to wait for Arron to get out of the car and immediately thanked him, but she ignored her.

“I’m sorry, baby.” Suzi sincerely apologized like a girl.

“Okay! Forgive you!” Lilly has always been magnanimous to his mother.

Other people’s homes are mothers looking at the baby.

Shen’s only home is a baby petting his mother.


“Let’s go stinky dad, let’s wash our hands.” Lilly happily took his father’s hand and went to the bathroom.

At the door of the bathroom, Arron still looked back at Suzi.

Suzi pursed his lips: “Go and wash your hands.”

Man: “…”

When he decides to eat, he must ask her if she is being excluded from the company. As a result, as soon as he and Shen Wei alone came out of washing their hands, they saw Suzi’s mobile phone ringing at the dining table. Suzi’s mobile phone rarely rang, because few people in Nancheng really knew her.

Will it be Joan calling?

Inexplicably, Suzi glanced at Arron nervously, but Arron’s expression was really ugly, she subconsciously looked down at the phone call.

Now, he was relieved.

The caller ID is an unfamiliar number.

For this reason, Suzi deliberately pressed the speakerphone to answer: “Hello, who are you?”

“Suzi, hello, this is your colleague Zhao Xianda, the handsome guy sitting on your left.” At the other end, there was a hearty male voice.

This really caught Suzi off guard.

Suzi: “…”

At that end, Zhao Xianda continued to smile with a hearty smile: “Suzi, don’t worry, I’ve already knocked the card for you, and the design director has also asked for leave for you and her, saying that you are going out temporarily. This scene, you don’t have to worry about anything, then what…”

“Oh, thank you, thank you Mr. Zhao.” Suzi immediately blocked what Zhao Xianda was about to say.

At that end, Zhao Xianda continued: “Suzi, a few male colleagues and I can see that you are a woman who does practical things and does not gossiping. You are different from their women with broken mouths. They have the face to say You soil, in fact, you are more beautiful than all the women in the company. I and a few male colleagues agree that you are the most beautiful…”

“Well, the noodles under my pot are silted out, I hung up.” Suzi hung up the phone in embarrassment.

Then he looked at Arron and Lilly who had just come out of the bathroom.

“Mom, you are awesome, is the uncle who chased you handsome? If he is handsome, let’s eat with him.” Lilly didn’t notice the stinky bad father whose face turned black, she only looked admiring. Looking at mom.

Suzi: “…”

Chapter 454

At this moment, the black face of the man is not enough to describe his current expression. Suzi and the man are several meters away, but she can feel the cold air of the man, the sword exuding from Zhou Shen The cold light.


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