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Punished by His Love (FULL book) novel Chapter 485

Read Chapter 485 – 486 of the Novel Punished by His Love.

Chapter 485

Lilly didn’t even understand: “Today is Saturday. My father is not at work. Even if my father is at work, my mother can take me to play. Why are you?”

Christopher said again: “Hi! Your father was a very good boss, but since your mother came back, your father has changed.”

Lilly tilted his head and asked, “My father has changed for the better, right?”

Christopher shook his head: “NoNoNo, it has become like a handsome president in a soap opera.”

Shen Wei was even more curious when he heard the three words’soap opera’, and she yelled at Christopher to tell her the meaning of soap opera.

Christopher then reduced the complexity to simplicity: “The soap opera is that in the entire TV series, only your parents are good people, especially your father, who is so handsome and so powerful that he especially loves your mother. There are the most bad women, those bad women. I tried everything I could to prevent your mother from marrying your father. This is a soap opera.”

Shen Wei nodded immediately: “Understood.”

She knew that the bad women in the soap opera in Uncle Christopher’s mouth were just like the two women who were defeated by her at the grandfather’s house.

However, Lilly did not say clearly.

She just raised her eyebrows and smiled at Luo Cuicui’s mother.

Mother Cuicui was really fooled: “You kid! How do you speak! No education! Who do you say is bad! Why do you say that I am the bad lady of the soap opera!”

Lilly suddenly smiled: “Auntie! You have a guilty conscience. I didn’t say that you are a bad woman. I said that you have watched too many soap operas. You said that you are a bad woman. You admit it. Auntie, you have admitted that you are a bad woman, how bad are you?”

Suzi: “…”

I finally understand the purpose of this little kid, she is incredible, why is this little thing so mindful?

After all, she followed her father.

Suzi looked at Cui Cui’s mother innocently.

Cui Cui’s mother was so angry that she wanted to fight the only one, but because she was an adult, she couldn’t be so impulsive.

Lilly kindly reminded: “Auntie, you just think about bad women. You forgot to pick up Luo Cuicui. Auntie, listen. Luo Cuicui is so timid. If you go to pick her up late, she will cry. That’s it.”

“Oh, I’m going to die! I have forgotten my daughter.” Luo Cuicui’s mother no longer cared about Suzi and Lilly, so she hurried in to her sister Luo Cuicui.

Suzi squatted down and looked at the only one: “The one, don’t quarrel with adults in the future, understand?”

Lilly confidently said to his mother: “Don’t worry, mother. Mother Luo Cuicui can’t beat me, even if she is fierce, we still have a father!”

Suzi: “…”

She already felt it. The only one came back in just two months, but the only one had no guard against Arron. Lilly now has feelings for Arron, which also shows that Arron really loves this daughter very much.

Thinking of this, Suzi felt relieved a lot.

This night, Arron was not at home. Suzi slept in the big bedroom with the only two of Shen’s arms around. The little girl slept very sweetly, but Suzi could not fall asleep.

There were still shoe soles on her face. She applied a cold compress for another night, and the swelling disappeared, but the skin was still bluish-purple.

Next day

In the morning, Suzi went to the bank and opened a private account to deposit the five million dollars. After lunch, Suzi chose the clothes for himself and the only one, and then drove to the hotel arranged by his mothers in advance.

After arriving, Suzi realized that the party this time was far less simple than she thought.

Chapter 486

This hotel is extravagant.

As soon as Suzi arrived at the door, he could see that this hotel is definitely not something that ordinary wage earners can consume, and today’s small parties are not just as simple as paying 50,000 yuan, and there may be other consumption.


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