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Punished by His Love (FULL book) novel Chapter 504

Read Chapter 503 – 504 of the Novel Punished by His Love.

Chapter 503

“I ask you! Where’s Suzi!” Darius asked again.

Personnel Manager: “Miss Shen, she…” Until now, the Personnel Manager still remembers that Miss Jun Er confessed that as long as it was Nancheng’s rich and powerful salary who called to ask Suzi, she couldn’t say anything.

The personnel manager also learned from Miss Jun Er that Suzi was the fox-like sl*t who hooked up the upper circle of Nancheng six years ago.

Therefore, as long as there is a call from Nancheng dignitaries to inquire about Suzi, one cannot tell the truth.

Even if he knew the manager and knew that Shu Shao was a shareholder of this company, the personnel manager did not dare to offend Miss Jun Er.

In a dilemma, the personnel manager suddenly thought of Linda who had been in detention for two days.

The HR manager wiped the sweat on his head and stammered: “This is Shu Shao. There is a senior designer Linda in the design department. She had a holiday with Suzi, so the company fired both of them.”

“What! Suzi was expelled?” Darius was extremely shocked.

There was a pause: “Where’s Linda!”

If you can’t get through Suzi’s cell phone, you have to call Linda to ask about the situation.

“Linda…was put in a detention center.” said the personnel manager.

“Go! Release Linda on bail immediately. I have something to ask her!” Darius couldn’t return to Nancheng for the time being. He was very anxious. He had to ask the person to ask clearly: “Give you an hour and a half, and I will call again! I want Linda to pick it up. Phone!”

The personnel manager immediately nodded like a chicken pecking at rice: “Yes, it’s Shu Shao, I’ll go right away!”

After hanging up the phone, the HR manager immediately came to the design department. Unexpectedly, the experience of the design department was in a dilemma. Seeing the HR manager came to her, the director of the design department immediately said: “What to do, Linda has just been imprisoned for two days. A friend from the construction industry came to Linda.”

“Quick! Now release Linda on bail, this is what Shu Shao meant!” said the personnel manager.

The director was immediately overjoyed.

He took the bail explanation letter from the company built by the HR manager and went straight to the detention center, where Linda was released on bail without much effort.

Linda, who has been in the detention center for two days, has been hoping that someone from the company will bail her. She even hopes that Siu will come to bail her personally. After all, she was detained in order to sell her life for Siu, Jun. Miss will leave her alone.

With such a state of mind, Linda was sentenced to two or three days. She was already desperate. She even scolded Siu ten thousand times in the detention center. However, at this desperate time, Linda saw someone who came to bail her. Design director.

“Director, thank you. Didn’t expect you to bail me?” Linda wiped her tears and thanked the director.

The director didn’t know what to do with Linda on bail, and she didn’t want to take credit, so she said: “The company issued an order to bail you. You still don’t want to thank me.”

Linda: “…”

She was incredibly surprised at first, and then happily hugged the design director: “Ahahaha, director! It is Miss Jun Er, right, Miss Jun Er, Miss Jun Er asked the company to come forward to bail me, right?”

Director: “…”

“It must be, or Miss Jun Er is sentimental and righteous. I think I have caught her big boat. Director, whether you bail me out or not, I still have to thank you. I will make friends with Miss Jun Er in the future. , I will also give you a hand at that time.” Linda said with her arms around the director triumphantly.

Director: “Let’s talk about it later, now you have to visit the company with me first.”

Linda: “I dress like this. I haven’t taken a shower for a few days. My hair is dirty and smelly? But it’s okay. I’m about to show Miss Jun Er like this. How much I have suffered for her.”

After speaking, Linda got in the director’s car and followed the director all the way back to the architectural design company.

When I arrived at the company, many people were watching Linda. Linda didn’t feel that she was ashamed of being clean and clean. On the contrary, she was very proud. The director led him all the way to her office, opened the door, and said to the person sitting in the office. : “The person you are looking for, I found you.”

Linda then came in and was stunned when she saw the person sitting in the office.

Chapter 504

Linda stared blankly at a foreign man in a suit and leather shoes sitting in the director’s office: “Daniel, you… why are you here?”

The man named Daniel was also very happy to see Linda: “Miss Linda, we meet again. I happened to be here to do something in Nancheng today, so I will come and see you.”

Linda’s face was full of smiles.


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