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Punished by His Love (FULL book) novel Chapter 508

Read Chapter 507 – 508 of the Novel Punished by His Love.

Chapter 507

Suzi’s return once again greatly prevented the chance of her daughter Lanita marrying Arron.

Not only that, Suzi returned with Arron’s child, and this was a heavy blow to the Lin family.

Using you as the child proved that the Lin family lied back then.

It proved that Lanita’s body was already unclean, and she was pregnant with wild seeds.

In the past six years, if it weren’t for the shield of Mr. Shu, Arron wouldn’t have said that he would marry Lanita. It is estimated that Arron would have overturned the entire Lin family and had his family of three broken into pieces.

Imagine such a cruel man, how could he tolerate the Lin family pooping and peeing on his head?

Thinking of this, Moira, anxious and frustrated, rushed towards Suzi with her teeth and claws.

Suzi hid gently, and Moira went into the air.

After all, people in their fifties are in their fifties. They are well maintained and have not worked hard. Moira’s body is trembling with fat and fat, which makes Moira look very cumbersome.

But Suzi is different. Sanford, who has been running around all the year round and took her daughter with a disability, has never gotten fat before working and going to the construction site. He has always been light and light.

It was Moira. She didn’t throw Suzi down, but she lay down on the ground first and fell a dog to gnaw shit.

When I got up, I didn’t know if I bit my tongue or something, my mouth was bleeding, and there was some dirt on my lips, just like that, it was ugly to be ugly.

Moira, who got up, yelled angrily: “You little b!tch! I fought with you today, there is a way to heaven, you don’t want to go, there is no way to hell. The guts make you dare to come and see if I won’t kill you!”

As soon as Moira’s voice fell, a voice behind him scolded: “Moira! What are you doing!” Moira’s assistant suddenly turned his head to see that it was Jarod who was back.

Just half an hour ago, Jarod called her and asked her if she was playing mahjong outside. If she was playing mahjong outside, let her go home quickly. He wanted to come back to get something. Half an hour ago, Moira was with the man. Fortunately, Jarod made a call beforehand, or he would have to be caught by Jarod today.

However, now Jarod hasn’t seen anything, Moira berates her husband like a tigress: “Are you with dead eyes? You haven’t seen a little b!tch!”

Jarod patronized his wife’s ugly manner, and indeed did not see that the woman who quarreled with his wife was Suzi.

Taking a closer look now, Jarod was furious: “Beast! Why are you still alive!”

Suzi smiled faintly: “You are not dead yet, I am more than twenty years younger than you, how can I die before you?”

Jarod: “You…you go to death now, let the car hit you to death now!”

Suzi: “Jarod, I know you want me to die ten thousand times, but that’s okay. When I give you what my mother wants to give you, it will not be too late for me to die again!”

“What’s your mother?” Jarod didn’t understand at first.

“My mother.” Suzi calmly said: “When my mother is alive, there is a letter for me to give you personally, but I have been reluctant to take it out, and this afternoon I will die. On the spot, so I decided to show the letter to you.

However, my mother has requested that you can only watch it by yourself, not your wife. “

Jarod + Moira: “…”

After a few seconds, Jarod asked Moira to go away. He came to Suzi, “Where is the letter?”

Suzi opened a letter and handed it to Jarod.

After Jarod read the letter, he was stunned at the moment: “…”

Chapter 508

Seeing Jarod stunned at the moment, Moira who was still eating a mouthful of mud and blood not far away was also stunned.

What is written in the letter? Moira wanted to know.

Although she was carrying Jarod outside to steal a man, Moira could never allow Jarod to be unfaithful to her.

“Jarod, tell me what you wrote!” Moira yelled impatiently.

Jarod looked back at Moira.


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