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Punished by His Love (FULL book) novel Chapter 516

Read Chapter 515 – 516 of the Novel Punished by His Love.

Chapter 515

In just five minutes, it hit the hot search headlines.

For a time, Suzi’s popularity was higher than that of the popular traffic idol.

Many people feel that the melons that eat idols are not as big as this melon.

Many people are waiting for follow-up registration.

Waiting to see how this quiet, calm female Lao Nu was tearing several main chambers at the same time by herself.

How many people are waiting for the on-site report to report it quickly!

The comments below are also like a surge.

: D*mn, superb!

【Rhubarb】: This fisherman is open.

[Can’t sleep at night]: D*mn, when I stepped on the flower thief, I didn’t dare to sleep when I saw this woman, I was afraid she would kill me!

[Cooking knife without chaos] @[夜不眠]: If you can’t eat grapes, you would say grapes sour. This woman’s goal is the upper class in Nancheng, and your net worth is only enough for you to eat. Meal, you give her your life, and she won’t look at you.

[Can’t sleep at night] @[坐怀不乱的菜刀]: It’s as if you were slept by this fisherwoman.

[Cooking knife without chaos] @【夜不睡】: I won’t give her my life.

[Rhubarb]: Such a woman can become popular overnight, doesn’t it really become that idiom to laugh or not to laugh.

: It feels like the end of the world is here, and the sun is no longer visible, the sun is covered by this woman.

[Night can’t sleep] @[夜會会盛年]: Although we all have the surname Ye, you are definitely an uncivilized little fresh meat who knows nothing about the world. The identification is complete.

[Cannot sleep at night] @[夜會會樂年]: Put a little fresh meat like you in front of this old spicy meat fisherwoman, and within one round, she can turn you into a pool of blood. No, there is no blood left. I’ll suck it all up for you!

In just a few minutes, there are hundreds of comments below, and they are still growing rapidly and continuously.

Of course, Suzi hasn’t seen this hot search and these comments yet.

At this moment, Suzi had followed Siu into the small banquet hall. Only one person in the banquet hall was known by Suzi.

That person is Walton.

Seeing Walton gloating at misfortune and looking at Suzi with an expression of death, there was no wave on Suzi’s face.

She knew Walton was there beforehand.

Sitting not far from Walton, the woman closest to Suzi, Suzi was a bit familiar.

But for a while, I couldn’t remember where I saw it.

I saw the woman glaringly waiting for Suzi, with the expression of wishing to eat Suzi, and the woman clenched her fists in her hands, as if she was about to smash Suzi into pieces in the next second.

Next to the woman, there was another woman. The other woman was very similar to Siu, but she looked a few years younger than Siu.

Suzi guessed that the woman should be Siu’s older sister, Jun Liuye.

Jun Liuye is now consoling the woman who glared at the idol: “Ivy, you must be calm. You must be calm. Today will definitely make you sigh.”



Suzi remembered.

It was the queen star who once ordered herself to lift her shoes.

That night, Ivy was poured 90 glasses of red wine by Arron, and almost broke her bladder. When she got out of the box, Ivy was framed like a dead dog and thrown out.

Now, looking at Ivy’s posture, it’s revenge.

Sure enough, Ivy sneered darkly and said, “Suzi, are you here?”

Chapter 516

Suzi: “Yeah.”

In just one word, there is no more text, and the expression is as calm as ever.


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