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Punished by His Love (FULL book) novel Chapter 528

Read Chapter 527 – 528 of the Novel Punished by His Love.

Chapter 527

Darius said coldly: “Walton, you are so good!”

After speaking, he stared at Lenny again: “Lenny! Don’t forget, your cousin chased Arron crazy back then!”

Lenny patted his forehead: “It’s broken, my aunt is a changer! She is a black widow!”

After speaking, the two quickly ran to the small banquet hall.

Before entering the door, they saw a dense crowd of reporters around the door. At this moment, they didn’t bother to drive the reporters away, but went straight to the banquet hall. Only then did they see a group of ladies yelling at Suzi.

Standing on both sides of Suzi were Joan and Daniel.

“Suzi, are you okay?” Darius asked the first concern.

Immediately afterwards, Lenny said: “Suzi, don’t worry, this hotel is the property of our Jun family. With me Lenny here, no one dares to bully you!”

Suzi: “…”

Sometimes Suzi himself was in a daze. Is it because Siu deliberately arranged so many people to rescue her, but it was actually for the reporter to see her ability to seduce men?

Or did they all happen to be here?

Suzi smiled bitterly in his heart.

She is numb.

The four men around her, like the four guards around the emperor in ancient times, formed an extremely majestic spectacle.

A reporter outside the hall could not help but sighed: “This is really a well-deserved reputation. Miss Jun Er is really right at all. This Suzi’s ability to seduce men really impresses me. At least the two noble sons of Nancheng are already here. Up.

There is also a handsome foreign guy.

There is also the young master of the first nobleman in Kyoto.


Today’s wave of live broadcasts is out, and I can complete my lifetime wealth accumulation in one day today. “

Everyone’s first reaction was that Suzi’s ability to seduce men was really extraordinary, including that of the man who was kicked to the door by Joan.

At this time, the man believed in what Siu said to him.

When Siu asked him to frame Suzi, he once told him: “Although you act for the truth, Suzi has a lot of men hooked up anyway, so it’s not a big deal to have more of you, you are enough to be fake. If you The more you play, the worse Suzi’s end will be, and the reward you will get will be more than tens of millions of rewards that you will spend your entire life. This is a deposit for you, one million! Play hard!”

Play hard!

After the performance, Miss Jun Er will pay him 10 million.

For ten million, and also to repay the hatred that Joan kicked him just now, the man knelt and crawled to Suzi, crying sadly: “Suzi! You cousin, I didn’t expect you to be the same. Hook up with so many men, then what am I! Who am I to be yours! Tell me clearly! If you don’t tell me clearly, I will send you all the private photos we took in private.. …”

Before the man had finished speaking, Darius raised his hand and pinched the man’s chin.

Darius is a literati, he actually doesn’t have much brute force.

However, at this moment Darius Zhen was really furious. The strength in his hand and his anger smashed the man’s chin straightly.

“Wow…” the man howled miserably.

Chapter 528

“Get out!” Darius kicked the man up.


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