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Punished by His Love (FULL book) novel Chapter 538

Read Chapter 537 – 538 of the Novel Punished by His Love.

Chapter 537

What’s more, Arron even spared you Ivy at that time. You insulted his wife like that. He didn’t take your life, but only fined you ninety glasses of wine to keep you from the shadows.

But today, why are you ready to move again?

You always refuse to admit defeat in your heart, always feel that Suzi is lower than you, so you should be trampled under your feet?

He didn’t know that Suzi was the uncontested, transparent and simple person.

She is not lower than you, she really disdains to show off, disdain to fight with anyone.


You can only taste the bitter fruit of your own evil.

Arron didn’t even look at Ivy, but put his arm around Suzi, and put his hand gently on the bridge of Suzi’s nose.

He is blocking the smell for Suzi.

Until now, Arron still clearly remembered that Suzi could not smell the pungent perfume smell on Ivy, but the perfume that Ivy sprayed today is stronger than ever.

Suzi really frowned.

She really can’t smell it. There will be a tingling sensation in the nasal cavity.

She couldn’t hold it any longer, she sneezed out and hit Arron’s face.

“Oh!” Christopher, who had just returned from outside, saw this scene, and immediately felt that his father could have such a cute side in the understatement of murder.

This is the lady who sneezed on Fourth Master’s face.

If I change to any one person, will that person’s life survive?

By the way, the fourth master actually treated the sneeze of his wife as a baby. He took out the veil from the pocket of his suit and was reluctant to wipe it off.

Christopher looked dazed.

All the people present were watching. The reporter looked dumb.

At this time, what the reporters didn’t know was that their entertainment department had urged them 10 million times and asked them to quickly upload the follow-up information about Suzi.

Because all the people on the Internet are waiting to eat melons.

But at this moment, how do reporters report?

Leaving aside the report, everyone in the presence of reporters wondered if they could still go out alive?

No one can know what his fate will be in the next second.

The people inside and outside the hall focused their attention on Ivy, just watching how Arron dealt with Ivy. The reporters and the ladies in the hall vaguely remember how Ivy scolded Suzi just now.

Ivy herself knows better how she scolds Suzi.

So, at this moment, Ivy stopped begging, she said to Suzi, “I’m sorry.”

Suzi calmly said: “If all the injuries can be healed with one sentence, can I kill your whole family and say sorry to you?

Miss Ivy, I don’t know from start to finish, where did I offend you?

I don’t even know you. “

This is the most talked by Suzi at today’s banquet.

The last time she saw Ivy, Ivy asked her to carry shoes when she didn’t know her.

And this time, they were even more gratuitous, but Ivy came to her door to find her revenge.

Is she so hateful of Suzi?

“Forgive her or not?” Arron asked his wife again.

“I don’t know her!” Suzi said calmly.

“Send to a place where there are no women in the African mines. Until death.” Arron said lightly.

Chapter 538

Ivy was dragged out like a dead pig.

The rest of the people in the banquet hall can no longer be described as frightened.

Both men and women have already smelled the strong smell of death.


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