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Punished by His Love (FULL book) novel Chapter 564

Read Chapter 563 – 564 of the Novel Punished by His Love.

Chapter 563

“Thank Sister Li.” Suzi smiled.

“Mom, I am late for kindergarten today.” Lilly looked at his mother a little unhappy.

“Sorry baby, mom won’t get up late in the future.” Suzi apologized immediately.

Here Arron solemnly said to Lilly: “Your mother was in poor health yesterday, did you forget it!”

“Oh.” Lilly nodded.

At this time, Sister Li brought a small glass cup and placed it in front of Suzi: “Madam, this is the best blood bird that my husband just brought back from Kyoto. You drank it while it was hot.”

The best blood swallow?

Suzi has never eaten it, but she has heard of it.

I heard that some small bowls cost tens of thousands of dollars?

She immediately looked at Arron: “Such an expensive thing, I…why do I drink it?”

Before Arron could answer, Lilly immediately stood up and questioned his father: “Huh! You said you came back early, and you didn’t have time to give me toys, but you brought my mother such expensive and delicious food! Dad, you are partial!”

Suzi: “…” Somehow, I felt a little warm.

Arron looked at her girl-girl calmly: “Don’t you think you are alone?”

Lilly: “What do you mean!”

“You are alone, don’t you feel lonely!”

Shen Only: “…”

Arron: “One day, when you have a few more younger siblings, you will be your eldest sister. At that time, you will beat whoever you want, and you will order whoever you want. Are you unhappy?”

“Wow! Really? I have many younger brothers and sisters?” Shen Only asked.

“If your mother can keep a little better, there will be a lot.” Arron took a sip of porridge and said slowly.

He did not look at Suzi. But he knew that Suzi blushed.

Little lady!

Looking at the usual humiliation, it is that you didn’t really poke the place where she was flustered. Once you poke the place where she was flustered, she would blush and heartbeat with a few words, extremely uncomfortable.

Lilly: “Oh oh oh, I am so happy. But dad…”

The little thing looked at his father mysteriously: “I know, if you give my mother this supplement, you don’t necessarily want my mother to give birth to my younger brothers and sisters. You just want to please my mother because you are afraid that my mother will be dismissed. My handsome uncle snatched it away, so you are trying to please my mother.”

Arron: “…” The man who was said to be in his heart by his daughter, wanted to beat her daughter in the A55 very much at this moment!

“Cough cough cough…” The man coughed dryly several times.

“Hehe…” The little thing guessed his father’s thoughts and was even happier: “So, even if my father didn’t bring me the toys, I would be happy because my father is kind to my mother.”

This little thing!

She is always attentive to her mother at all times.

Mother was happy when her handsome uncle chased her outside, and her mother was held in the palm of her hand and ignored her, and she was so happy.

Really owe it!

The man gave Suzi an angry white look: “You have a good girl!”

Suzi lowered his head to eat bird’s nest.

She has never eaten bird’s nest, let alone the best blood bird’s nest.

It’s silky and tender, with a bit of sweetness and red dates, which is very suitable for breakfast.

After eating the bird’s nest, she put down the tableware and chopsticks, and then said softly, with a warm tone: “She is your seed first.”

Arron was stunned at the moment.

Little lady!

No matter what the circumstances, even in bed, when each other’s hottest, he still thinks she is stupid, how at this moment, he discovered that she is also a master of Tiao Qing.

Just such a sentence: “She is your seed first” and Arron was adjusted, and her heart was pulled a bit.

Chapter 564

Seeing the man startled for a while, Suzi immediately realized that what he said just now seemed to be mingling with him.


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