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Punished by His Love (FULL book) novel Chapter 568

Read Chapter 567 – 568 of the Novel Punished by His Love.

Chapter 567

Most girls in their 25s and 6s are still unmarried. In fact, the lady is still the girl who gives her some sunshine, she is very brilliant.

The reason why the lady has always been so cold and calm is because she has received too little warmth in this world.

Christopher was right.

Suzi is indeed a girl who can bloom sunflower flowers in her heart as long as she has a little sunshine.

She almost bounced and tightened the elevator. When she arrived at the elevator, she only managed to curb the cost when she saw someone in the elevator.

Suzi has no social phobia.

On the contrary, she also likes to make friends if she meets someone who gets along well.

However, Suzi also knows that others have always vilified her, and all she can do is to be silent.

Therefore, Suzi habitually bowed his head slightly when he saw someone in the elevator.

However, when the two female employees in the elevator saw that it was Suzi, they immediately bowed to Suzi respectfully: “Fu…Mrs. Fu.”

Suzi was taken aback for a moment.

Then his face blushed.

She can bear any attack on her by others.

The more others attacked her, the more she could straighten her spine, even with silent resistance, she could withstand any wind and rain.

However, suddenly someone respected her so much, but Suzi was a bit at a loss.

She had a bit of a sentence: “Um… we… are all colleagues, you don’t need to do this to me, just call… call me Suzi, that. … The elevator has arrived, I…I’m getting off. Good morning… Good morning!”

After that, Suzi also ran away from the elevator.

Behind them, the two female staff looked at each other and laughed at each other.

“In other words, Mrs. Fu has been working in our company for more than a month and has always been so honest and dutiful. It is those people who are just like others. They are rude and clumsy. It’s because Mrs. Fu is low-key. They bullied people without revealing their identities, but Mrs. Fu was so secretive that she had never bullied anyone.”

Another female staff member smiled and said, “Mrs. Fu is so cute, and she looks like a little girl.”

“By the way, her daughter is five or six years old.”

“So pure and beautiful.”

When the two female employees said this to Suzi, Suzi had already come to his design department.

She didn’t dare to come in at the beginning, and stood outside the door, a little hesitant.

Song Zhuoer was the first to see Suzi.

“Suzi! You are here!” Song Zhuoer shouted in surprise.

Then several other male colleagues also saw Suzi one after another, they got up to welcome Linda, everyone tacitly didn’t mention Linda.

After all, Linda got used to being domineering in the company.

He took the soles of the shoes and hit Suzi in the face so viciously, so at this moment, where Linda went, whether it was alive or dead, no one in this office cared.

Even if it is dead, what to do with them.

Linda took the blame.

Even the female designers who have a good relationship with Linda have tacitly chosen to remove Linda at this moment.

They also wanted to deal with Suzi without barriers, just like a few male colleagues.

However, several female colleagues dare not.

The only female colleague Sun Moli who had never squeezed out Suzi before came to Suzi boldly: “Shen…Mrs. Fu, you are here for work.”

Suzi immediately took out a lipstick from her bag and gave it to Sun Moli: “This is the lipstick my husband brought back from Kyoto. I realized that the color of this lipstick is quite consistent with your lip color. I hope you like it. “

Sun Moli was flattered: “Thanks…Thank you Mrs. Fu.”

Suzi was a little embarrassed: “But… can you call me Suzi?”

“Thank Suzi!” Sun Moli changed her words immediately.

Then, the two women laughed at the same time.

The other women, in their eyes, don’t mention too much in their hearts.

However, no one dared to take the initiative to seek peace with Suzi.

Suzi didn’t matter, she had no more important people, she picked up the landline on the table, she called out, and the other end was connected quickly: “Hey…”

Suzi immediately shouted: “Galia…”

Chapter 568


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