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Punished by His Love (FULL book) novel Chapter 586

Read Chapter 585 – 586 of the Novel Punished by His Love.

Chapter 585


For fear that he would be restrained.

For a moment, she suddenly felt that she was just like him.

Thinking of this, she blushed suddenly.

“Why are you blushing?” Arron looked at her puzzledly. She didn’t tease her on a single page yesterday. What was she thinking about?

“No…no.” Suzi hesitated: “The air in this living room is not circulating, I am so panicked, I…I went out.” After speaking, Suzi ran out immediately Outdoor.

The man whispered behind him: “This blushing problem, when can I change it? It seems that I still don’t adapt. The manager has used it a lot, and he may have a thicker skin!”

After talking to himself, Arron did not leave the living room, but picked up his mobile phone and dialed out a group of calls.

At the other end, the connection was quickly connected: “President Fu, I am the assistant picture.”

“Small picture, inform the company’s senior management that this morning’s meeting has been cancelled. And all the customers who made reservations this morning will be postponed.”

At that end, the assistant Xiaotu was very surprised: “President, what happened?”

In Xiaotu’s impression, the president has never cancelled a scheduled event in the six years since he took charge of the Fu Group, unless there was a major event.

However, Arron at this end is very indifferent: “It’s okay.”

Small picture on the other end: “Uh…”

After a second, he said: “Good president, I will notify you immediately.”

No one knows what arrangements Arron will have this morning, not even Suzi, who is sharing the bed with him, Suzi has never been able to guess Arron.

After all, he was too calm and the city mansion was too behind him.

However, Suzi doesn’t guess what she can’t guess. She feels that her job is stable now, and the atmosphere in the company is good, which is already very good.

As soon as he got out of Arron’s car and entered the company, Suzi coincidentally saw Galia.

“Tell you good news, Suzi.” Galia said.

Suzi immediately smiled and curled his eyebrows: “I’m very smart, let me guess, I must be able to guess right. It must be that after Rayna returned to her residence last night, the Ministry of Personnel informed her and asked her to continue to come back to work, right? ?”

Galia: “Huh! You are really smart, you can guess it!”

Suzi was able to shake his head and shook his head: “Don’t look at who it is, Suzi is okay! A standard science girl! My mind is very useful!”

Galia rolled his eyes: “You are smart!”

Suzi asked again: “Where is Rayna?”

“I’m here, Mrs. Fu.” Rayna ran over, carrying two breakfasts, one to Galia, and she handed the other to Suzi: “I bought it for you.”

“You eat by yourself, I’m at home every day.” Suzi said.

Rayna was not polite with Suzi.

Suzi handed a small paper bag to Rayna.

“What?” Rayna asked.

“For you.” Suzi said.

Rayna opened it and saw that there was a whole set of skin care products inside.

“Guerlain, is it actually Guerlain, or is it a high-end product of the Guerlain brand?” Rayna’s eyes were straight.

After looking at it for a while, and then looking up, her eyes were red: “That Mrs. Fu, I… I bullied you so much before, but you still treated me so well. Guerlain’s complete set of high-end skin care products It’s tens of thousands of dollars, you actually gave it to me?”

Suzi shrugged and chuckled: “I have an allergic nose, and the smell is a bit heavy. I wouldn’t dare to use it. It’s a pity to leave it alone. I think you have severe dark circles in the past two days, so I will use it for you.”

Rayna took a whole set of skin care products to his heart, and said gratefully: “Thank you, thank you Mrs. Fu.”

“It’s okay.”

Chapter 586


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