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Punished by His Love (FULL book) novel Chapter 598

Read Chapter 597 – 598 of the Novel Punished by His Love.

Chapter 597

What the old man didn’t know was that Arron was beside Suzi at this moment. The staff member who took the ugly photos of Lanita only dared to take pictures of Lanita, but she didn’t dare to take pictures of Arron secretly.

People are bullying and fearing hardship.

At this moment, when Lanita was standing in front of Suzi with ugly soles hanging on his shoes, Arron sat beside Suzi and watched Suzi review the artwork.

Suzi drove him away: “You…why are you still here?”

Arron said calmly, “Do you think this product is here because you are afraid of you?”

In Arron’s mouth, Lanita didn’t even have a personal name.

It is: this one.

Lanita’s heart dripped with blood.

But she was extremely fortunate that Arron didn’t kill her. In order to keep Arron from killing herself, when she heard Arron calling her to sell her, Lanita also tried to greet her with a smile.

In this way, no mention of any dignity.

Everyone present can see that this is a smashing, arrogant eldest lady, which is clearly different from Suzi.

To say that when trapped in such an awkward situation, Suzi had more of them than Manager Lanita.

But every time Suzi was humiliated, it was an expression of death. Even if she could not resist anyone, she would resist silently to retain her last dignity.

Even if Suzi was stepped in a pit of shit, she would not lose her dignity.

Lanita was just the opposite. She voluntarily let go of her dignity and let herself fall into a pit of shit, just to survive.

It’s really despised.

Suzi raised his head and glanced at Lanita, who was despised by everyone: “Miss Lin, please come back. I want to work. You will affect my work.”

“Sister…you…I must hit you to your satisfaction. If you think it’s not enough for me to hang a torn shoe, I can also write a few big words in front of me, “I’m shameless.” Xiao San, I’m a broken shoe.” Lanita reminded Suzi from time to time and thoughtfully that Suzi could still treat her Lanita with more cruel methods.

Suzi: “…”

After a pause, she said, “Lanita, I am different from you. You are a noble lady. You can play whatever game you want to play. You want to find a group of people in the clubhouse and almost turn me around. If you do, you can do it. Now you are selling miserable pretends in the company. You have the time to do these boring things here. I don’t have one.

I need to work.

Besides, the grievances between me and you can’t be wiped out because of your own clowning once.

Even if you don’t pretend to be a clown 10,000 times, you won’t be able to make up for the pain of being in jail.

Isn’t it?

Even if you play the clown ten million times, my mother will not survive, and the five-year paternal love that my daughter has missed will never come back.

Therefore, between me and you, you’d better save the province.

Please leave immediately and don’t affect my work. “

Lanita immediately cried again, and then forced a smile: “I…oooh, I want to leave, but I dare not.”

At this moment, Arron’s cell phone rang and picked it up to connect: “Hey…”

Chapter 598

At the other end, there was the extremely old and sad voice of Mr. Shu: “Qin’er, Grandpa Shu, I only have one daughter, but I was lost by Grandpa Shu. I finally found a granddaughter. Do you even give Grandpa Shu to this granddaughter? Deprived, let Grandpa Shu, who is over 80 years old, die with hatred?”

Arron: “…”


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