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Punished by His Love (FULL book) novel Chapter 608

Read Chapter 607 – 608 of the Novel Punished by His Love.

Chapter 607

I also want to work hard and be a down-to-earth person. Have a clear conscience. “

When Rayna said these things, he blushed and was a little shy.

This has something to do with her personality. Deep down in her heart, she is actually an inferiority girl, especially when she was suppressed by her cousin. The former Rayna was too arrogant and concealed her inferiority, but now she suddenly After realizing her mistakes in a moment, she was left with low self-esteem.

It was Suzi who comforted Rayna in turn: “It’s okay, you will get better.”

Rayna nodded: “Thank you.”

This afternoon, and in the following days, Suzi’s work was calm.

Lanita never came to the company to harass her again.

Suzi didn’t have any news about Lanita.

In fact, Suzi knew very well that after Lanita took her own humiliation here, she would definitely not give up when she returned home.

But Suzi is not afraid.

Soldiers come to cover the water and earth!

Even if Lanita didn’t come to find her Suzi, she would definitely find Lin Family Xue Hate.

But, not now, she has to go back to her hometown first.

In the past few days, no one in the office dared to say anything bad about Suzi, and no one did anything to please Suzi like Li Na and Ge Meilin did.

In this way, the working atmosphere is much better.

For a week, when Suzi got off work, Arron would wait for her at the door of the company.

He used to be inconspicuous when sitting in a car, but now he is standing at the door of the company. It is really a striking presence. When a colleague who got off work earlier saw the lazy and domineering man leaning on the car door, he would respectfully look forward to it. Arron nodded and bowed: “Four Master Fu, hello.”

“Fu Siye, are you here to pick up your wife again?” “Fu Siye…”

Galia and Rayna, who had a good relationship with Suzi, couldn’t help but tease Suzi.

“The husband of Miyoshi showed up on time, he couldn’t move, he was more punctual than he went to work.”

“I didn’t expect that Siye Fu, who is so powerful, could be such an exemplary model even as a three-good husband, so how can other men in Nancheng be husbands?”

The two of them joked with Suzi.

When they came to Arron, Galia and Rayna said goodbye to Suzi in unison: “I wish you a candlelight dinner, a world of two.”

Suzi blushed as soon as he heard such words.

“Don’t come to pick me up every day from now on.” Suzi said to Arron when he got in the car.

The man’s tone was cold and solemn: “Since you came here to work, I have been here to pick you up.”

“But you used to sit in the car. It’s ugly for you to stand in front of the company every day. Don’t do this in the future!” Suzi said forcefully.


The driver in front was happy: As Master became more and more able to take care of others, the wife’s wings became harder and harder.

In the entire Nancheng, the only one who dared to speak to Fourth Master Fu in such a tyrannical tone was the wife, and there was no second one.

Arron looked calm and said nothing.

Suzi: “…”

After a few minutes of silence, she suddenly discovered that the driving route was wrong, and that this direction was not for kindergarten.

Suzi looked at Arron blankly.

It’s not because she didn’t let him pick him up, he was going to deal with her, right?

“Where are you… sending me?” Suzi grabbed Arron’s arm and asked in horror.

Chapter 608

“Scared?” Arron asked.

Suzi: “…”


Whoever puts on you such a moody man who warms people to the bones to death one minute before sending them to the crematorium and turning them into ashes, who is not afraid of him!


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