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Punished by His Love (FULL book) novel Chapter 642

Read Chapter 641 – 642 of the Novel Punished by His Love.

Chapter 641

Min’s father immediately said consensually: “Old man, Galia’s bank card was frozen. Arron froze her. He hasn’t allowed Galia to come back to live in Shu’s house, and Galia’s aunt, who is your daughter-in-law, is not allowed to pay for it. Help Galia, in this case, Galia is a girl’s family, she has been pampered since childhood, how can she live now?”

Elder Shu said guiltily: “This child, Galia, grew up in our Shu family, and I also regarded her as my granddaughter. The main reason is that I was ill and I have been in Kyoto. I’m busy with Lanita’s affairs, I have forgotten Galia.”

In general, Mr. Shu is still a more reasonable old man, especially when he treats children and treats children between relatives, he can take care of him.

When Mr. Shu said this, Min’s father and Min’s mother smiled at each other.

“It’s such an old man. The Fourth Master Arron was stunned by his wife. Now Galia is not allowed to fall in love with Joan, and Galia is not allowed to contact any Nancheng aristocratic circle. Now Galia is helpless. That woman not only encouraged Galia, she also cheated our daughter Rayna to use it exclusively for her. The woman now introduced a boyfriend to Rayna, who seems to be the young master of the Jun family.” Mother Min was very worried. Looking at Mr. Shu.

Elder Shu cheered up: “What! Lenny, the young master of the Jun family, is also getting entangled with the woman Suzi?”

Min’s father and Min’s mother nodded quickly.

Elder Shu raised his hand and slammed the table: “This woman! It’s getting more and more complicated! I already know what you are saying! Excuse me for speaking out of her uncle and aunt, what’s wrong with the young master of the Jun family? , It is impossible for him to take your daughter. If Galia marries Lenny, it is still possible. After all, Galia can match Lenny in terms of character, appearance, temperament, and education.

But what about your daughter?

What’s it called? “

“Rayna…” Min’s mother accompanied the smiling face. “Yes, Rayna, what is there to give her? Growing up in your small market environment, how could Lenny fall in love with her?” There was no sarcasm in the old man Shu’s tone, and he just said the matter.

Min’s father and Min’s mother nodded like a chicken pecking at rice, and the couple said in unison: “Yes, you are right, father, and we mean the same.”

After that, Father Min pleaded again: “We are afraid that the young master of the Jun family will confuse us, but also feel that Galia should not be so wronged. We can’t find you for this film. Father, since you have watched Galia grow up since you were a child, you must be the master for Galia. If you don’t love her, she really won’t have a way to survive.”

Elder Shu said righteously: “Suzi! That woman is too big to be underestimated! From six years ago, to the present, she has stirred up the entire Nancheng situation, maybe earlier, maybe even before she went to jail. She has been planning step by step. This woman is really not easy. Today, her conspiracy is almost succeeding.

If she doesn’t stop her at this time, will she not let Arron go in the next step!

Her current purpose is obvious, Nancheng, she took Arron down, and in Kyoto she wanted to take advantage of Rayna to take down Young Master Jun. She wanted to take all the things in Nancheng and Kyoto, my old man Shu would never Let her conspiracy succeed!

Nancheng Arron must be my granddaughter’s fiance!

As for the young master of the Jun family, since Joan is unwilling to ask for my other granddaughter, Galia, let Galia be married to the young master of the Jun family!

That’s what I said! “

Min’s mother immediately smiled and said, “That’s great!”

The two came out of Shu’s house contentedly, and they were so excited that they could not fly to Walton’s side now and tell Walton the good news.

While indoors, Elder Shu also took out his mobile phone and broadcasted a series of numbers: “Hey…that woman is really horrible! Now it is imminent to get rid of her!”

Chapter 642

Getting rid of Suzi is the biggest concern of Mr. Shu, who is more than 80 years old.

Although Mr. Shu doesn’t hate Suzi much now, he even feels that Suzi is strong and strong, much stronger than Lanita.

However, in terms of selfishness, he still couldn’t keep Suzi.

Elder Shu has already planned to use all his connections in Kyoto and all of his old men to give Arron the advantage of occupying the island city, in exchange for Arron to marry Lanita.

This is a very attractive condition.

Arron is also a great person.


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