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Punished by His Love (FULL book) novel Chapter 646

Read Chapter 645 – 646 of the Novel Punished by His Love.

Chapter 645

After that, she became melancholy.

At this time, Arron interrupted her in a daze and dazed in a timely manner: “Don’t linger, get up when you wake up, and a makeup artist will come to give you makeup later, and then go to the banquet scene with you.”

Suzi asked incredulously: “Does it need to be so troublesome? Please also ask a makeup artist to come home. How big is it?”

“It’s not a big deal! But this is the best time to show your identity, understand?” Arron said.

Suzi nodded: “Understood!”

Get up, eat breakfast, and after a while, the makeup artist comes to make-up.

Worked for nearly two hours before setting off.

Before leaving, Suzi called Galia.

Galia connected quickly: “Hey, beautiful lady, let me guess how beautiful you are today.”

Suzi said unceremoniously: “It must be more beautiful than you, eh, how about it, are you ready?”

Galia nodded: “I and Rayna are ready, and also called Shu Shao and Mr. Jun. Both of them said they will come soon. Let’s see you at the Fu’s old house.”

Suzi smiled: “Well, see you at the old house of the Fu family.”

There has never been a moment when she went to the Fu’s old house so confidently.

After all, this time she and Arron had some die-cutting in their hearts, and she had two friends, even if something happened at the scene, Suzi’s body and mind, her two friends would help her.

“Then I hang up, goodbye, you two are also beautiful.” Suzi said to Galia.

“Bye bye, see you later.”

After closing the thread, Galia looked at Rayna: “Rayna, to be honest, all those clothes you used to buy were for nothing, and you wear them for nothing. In the past, all your styles of clothes were either ostentatious or outraged. Hu, I don’t even have one that suits you, but it’s very good today. It’s better for Mr. Jun.

Before you, what vision! “Rayna said in a slightly dim tone: “Galia, when I didn’t treat you as a friend before, I don’t know how much my cousin looked down on me. Many of the clothes I used to wear were my cousin. What was given to me, said to be a gift, is actually a charity.

Give me a condescending tone every time.

Whenever I am a little bit upset, she is very impatient. Maybe it is because I have been following her A55 for a long time. I am obedient to her, and I have also learned how to behave with her. I have been with you and Suzi recently, and I have only discovered what my cousin’s attitude is towards me.

It’s the kind that wants me to make a fool of myself, but also makes me grateful to her.

And those clothes.

None of the clothes she gave me was suitable for me. It is only until today that I discovered how ugly she is.

The money for my work will not be used by her in the future.

I spend my own money to buy clothes, even if they are cheap, as long as they are suitable. “

“Yeah.” Galia nodded: “Support you, come on! Let’s cheer together and marry a rich family!”

In private, two chicks, Galia and Rayna, shouted the slogan of marrying a rich man without evasiveness.

There is nothing wrong.

People go to higher places, and water flows to lower places.

Fair competition.

This is Galia’s creed.

But as soon as she and Rayna’s words fell, Galia’s cell phone rang again, and she picked it up to connect: “Hello?”

At that end, Darius called: “Galia…”

Hearing Darius’s voice, Galia immediately called to Rayna: “Rayna, Rayna, take the bag and go, Shu Shao and Mr. Jun are here to pick us up. Come downstairs.”

At that end, Darius said: “Galia, no, it’s such a Galia, Lenny and I can’t come to pick you up.”

Galia was stunned for a moment: “You…what did you say?”

Chapter 646


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