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Punished by His Love (FULL book) novel Chapter 670

Read Chapter 669 – 670 of the Novel Punished by His Love.

Chapter 669

She has never received such a special, such a deep and righteous love.

She was dizzy.

The throat was choked up: “Arron…”

“Does it fit?” the man asked again.

“Ah … huh! Special … especially fit.” Like Suzi laugh like a little girl.

The man asked her to put on another one: “Stand up and take a walk.”

Suzi stood up and felt it.

Good shoes are good shoes. Good shoes will make a woman fall in love with high heels.

She couldn’t help but walked on the catwalk. The whole person became extremely confident and her heart became stinky. She raised her small chin and suddenly said naughty words: “Will I be taller than you?”

Man: “Think beautiful!”

“Hehehe…” She smiled unkindly.

But it was the most beautiful face a man saw.

It was also the most embarrassing moment for Lanita’s family and Elder Shu.

At this moment, Lanita was so annoyed that her fingernails had been pinched into her flesh, and there was blood flowing out of her palms, Lanita didn’t know it. But she even wiped out a bunch of disappointing tears with her hand.

Since then.

Lanita’s face is not only the black eyeshadow she cried, but also the blood flowing from the palm of her hand. A face is black and red. That is a black and red match.

It can be said that he answered Shen’s only sentence: female ghost.

Complete female ghost.

Lanita is going crazy!

She is going crazy! Elder Shu, who was next to him, reprimanded his grandson’s daughter viciously: “Calm down! Calm down!”

At this time, no one would pay attention to these quiet conversations between Mr. Shu and Lanita, because everyone’s eyes were attracted by the live broadcast footage of Arron wearing shoes for Suzi.

They are here for a banquet today.

Of course, before I came, I knew that the theme of this banquet was a meeting between Arron’s family of three and relatives and friends, but no one expected that at this moment, this man who was so frightened by all the people in Quannan city would actually give it to everyone. A wave of dog food.

They don’t need to eat the food for this dog food.

Up to this time, all the relatives and friends present not only naturally met Suzi and met the family of three, but also 100,000 points were willing to admit that this was a family of three.

Because it’s too sweet.

When was Fu Siye, who was famous in Nancheng, and was so sweet?

It’s just this time in a lifetime!

Such a sweet moment makes people have to remember for a lifetime.

Someone has already begun to shout: “Fu Siye’s family of three and He Meimei.”

“Fu Siye and Mrs. Fu match well.”

“I really like this family of three.”

“What kind of thing is Lanita!”

“Relying on things that deceive others, relying on her grandfather’s power.”

“Her grandfather’s first-time fame was completely defeated by this granddaughter, but in order to win a good home for his granddaughter, grandpa really gave up his old face.”

“The good home is, as long as she is willing to put down her figure, why should she snatch someone else’s husband?”

“Put down your body? An adult woman who behaves so despicably that she wants to pee on the spot, no matter how she puts her body down, someone will ask her? That’s blame, ha!”

Being sprayed on the face like this on the spot, Lanita’s three members, including Elder Shu, could no longer lift their faces.

Chapter 670


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