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Punished by His Love (FULL book) novel Chapter 682

Read Chapter 681 – 682 of the Novel Punished by His Love.

Chapter 681

Walking to the door, Darius turned his head and saw Walton who was still standing behind Lanita’s original position.

At this moment, Walton, who was lonely, looked like a rat crossing the street.

Her eye sockets have sunk deeper.

“You female ghost! You bullied my mother at the gate, why are you still here now, aren’t you sisters with that female ghost? Why aren’t you leaving when she is gone?” Shen hiding in the grandfather’s arms The only question asked unceremoniously.

Walton: “…”

She looked at Darius for help.

Darius looked at her with sharp eyes, there was scrutiny in those eyes, and it was more of an aversion.

Walton could feel that her cousin no longer cared about her.

Walton’s heart was enveloped by a breath of death again.

She shouted again: “Cousin…”

“Don’t call me!” Darius refused immediately.

Walton’s eyes were red, and she changed her name to Master Shu with difficulty: “Grandpa Shu…”

Elder Shu is very concerned about feelings: “Galia, if you do something wrong, you have done it wrong. There is nothing you can escape from. Grandpa also did it wrong. Since ancient times, he has always been a winner or a loser. You see, grandpa is also apologizing, so You…”

Before he finished speaking, Walton said: “I apologize and they won’t let me go. If they let me go, I apologize now, and I will kneel to Suzi like Lanita.”

Elder Shu: “…”

At this moment, his feelings for Walton’s grandparents were almost gone!

At this moment, Old Man Shu was simply disgusting Walton. “Get out!” Suzi said in disgust.

Today is the day when she meets relatives and friends with her husband and children. She doesn’t want to have trouble with anyone in such a day.

Walton scrambled and ran out.

“Cousin…” Rayna shouted from behind and turned around. She looked at Suzi gratefully: “Suzi, thank you for forgiving my cousin.”

Suzi shook his head: “If it weren’t for you, I wouldn’t forgive her.”

Rayna’s heart warmed: “I know, Suzi.”

At the other end, Walton didn’t even look back at Walton. She even ran faster than Old Man Shu than Darius. She ran all the way from the Fu’s old house to the gate, and she was panting.

On the hillside outside the gate, she paused, and when she turned her head, she showed extremely jealous eyes: “Rayna, are you amazing! Are you amazing!”

Yubi, left without looking back.

Immediately afterwards, Elder Shu and Darius also walked out. At the family banquet in the old house of the Fu family, Darius originally wanted Galia to be his female companion, but Darius had to leave, leaving Galia alone.

However, Galia does not matter.

She can move freely anyway. It’s really not possible, there is still a cousin here, what are you afraid of.

The hall returned to normal.

The family of three held hands, and the little princess Lilly was in the middle. Arron spoke, very solemnly like a guest introduction: “This is my wife, Suzi, this is my daughter Lilly.”

He had just finished introducing, Christopher suddenly came.

Christopher said something in Arron’s ear.

Arron was taken aback for a moment, and then asked: “Is the source of the information reliable?”

Chapter 682

Christopher nodded with a serious expression: “Reliable.”

Arron said blankly: “Don’t tell Madam first.”

Christopher: “I understand Fourth Master, but… Madam also said that she would go back to her hometown a few days ago, now…”

“According to her plan, she hasn’t been back to her hometown for many years. She should also go back to her hometown to have a look. I will go with her. Maybe I can find some clues.” Arron said.

“Yes, Siye! Siye, I will go out first.” Although the cousin was here to attend the banquet, Christopher still felt that as an assistant, he shouldn’t stay in the banquet hall.


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