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Punished by His Love (FULL book) novel Chapter 692

Read Chapter 691 – 692 of the Novel Punished by His Love.

Chapter 691

And he looked at her very intoxicated.

Looking at such a picture, Suzi was slowly taken aback. Reluctant to remove his eyes.

“Suzi! Suzi!” Galia urged on the other end of the phone.

“Hmm.” Suzi answered quickly.

Galia ordered: “Come on, take me, Lilly, and Rayna, you have to pay for the three of us!”

“Yes!” Suzi said immediately.

Get up, get dressed, drew a light make-up, and trot downstairs with Lilly all the way.

“Mom, you are very happy.” Lilly could see the changes in his mother.

Suzi admitted unabashedly: “Of course!”

“Why are you so happy?” Shen Only asked.

“Because my mother is going to take you today, as well as mother’s two friends and four of our beauties to go shopping together, go shopping, and go to the beautiful clothes.”

“You are not beautiful at all today!” Lilly said in disgust.

“Who said that, my old lady has been in front of the mirror for a long time, and I have taken care of it very well, okay!”

“But you walk without a turn, like a lame, not beautiful at all.”

Suzi: “…”

His face suddenly became flushed.

Walking like a lame, it’s not that the man’s strength was used too much yesterday!


I really have to restrain myself in the future! However, thinking that every time he could arouse her interest in a different way, under his lead, she didn’t have any power to parry at all.

Suzi sighed, squatted down and said to Lilly: “Baby, is the way mom walks really ugly?”

Lilly nodded and shook his head again: “It’s okay mom, I know you wore high heels for a day yesterday, and you were socializing everywhere. You are standing tired, so your legs are lame, right?

The only thing that doesn’t think my mother is ugly.

The only mother is the most beautiful mother.

Hehe. “

Shen Only smiled at his mother with a sweet smile.

Suzi: “…”

She only thought of driving when she came to the car that Arron bought for herself after leading Lilly downstairs.

Suzi is actually a girl who learns things very fast and remembers things very firmly.

Although Arron only taught her for a few days, she has already mastered it. The reason why she didn’t drive before was also because she was not so sweet with Arron.

It’s different now.

Now, she feels that everything that belongs to her husband is also her Suzi’s.

Now she drove this car again and she was very at ease.

This morning, Suzi drove Arron for the first time in her car and took Lilly to pick up two of her friends. Suzi drove for the first time, so she drove steadily from the start, not fast, but stable.

However, what she didn’t expect was that even though she drove so carefully and so securely, when she was about to turn to the main road as soon as she left the community, she suddenly struck someone.

The scared Suzi stopped immediately, got out of the car, and held the person who had been knocked down by her. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, you…are you okay?”

Chapter 692


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