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Punished by His Love (FULL book) novel Chapter 700

Read Chapter 699 – 700 of the Novel Punished by His Love.

Chapter 699

While queuing to pay, Rayna’s cell phone rang.

Suzi just bought the phone for Rayna yesterday. Now that he sees Rayna’s cell phone ringing, Suzi immediately teased Rayna: “It must be Young Master Jun. You only installed the phone number yesterday. Who, you talk about you, you don’t want to marry someone, but they are on you. I guess I want to invite you to dinner, right?”

Rayna smiled as she watched the incoming call from her mobile phone. After seeing the number, she stopped smiling.

The call came from my mother.

Yesterday, Suzi just bought a cell phone for Rayna, and Rayna used his cell phone to call home.

She really wants to reconcile with her parents.

I always felt that no matter how much her parents were, it was not a problem that Rayna stayed at Galia’s house all the time. However, yesterday her parents scolded her as soon as they received her call.

“You D*mn wicked obstacle! Why are you calling at this time? Are you trying to laugh at your sister? Are you trying to see how ugly your sister is? You unscrupulous thing! Your sister has been helping you since childhood. Your conscience has been eaten by dogs. You are an unfamiliar white-eyed wolf. I curse you to be hit by a car when you go out!” This is Rayna’s mother on the phone yesterday Scold Rayna’s words.

Rayna hid in the bed alone and cried for a long, long time.

However, when she thinks about the insults Suzi has received, she can still stand up to be a human being, and still be able to continue to work seriously, without being affected by those negative emotions, Rayna changes. Much stronger.

She didn’t even tell Galia how badly she was scolded by her mother yesterday.

Early in the morning, Rayna dealt with her work seriously, tried her best to keep her smile, and tried not to let the scene of her mother scolding herself yesterday affect her at work.

However, Rayna did not expect that at this moment his mother would take the initiative to call.

She covered the receiver and truthfully said to Suzi, “My mother called. I hope she can let me go home as soon as possible. Suzi, I will answer the phone first.”

Suzi nodded: “Go, talk to your mother.”

Rayna nodded and left.

Here Suzi is still lining up to pay. The chocolate shop here is very famous. It takes a few minutes to wait in line to apologize. When Suzi came out with two bags of chocolates after paying, he didn’t see Walton at the entrance of the chocolate shop.

D*mn girl!

Where can I go after a call?

As a result, she was carrying two large bags of chocolates, and she babbled when she walked. She couldn’t even take out her mobile phone to make a call to Rayna, so she could only carry two large bags of chocolate to her company. When Suzi walked to a place 30 meters away from the company, she realized that something was wrong.

Opposite the company building, she saw Rayna.

At this time, Rayna was still answering the phone intently. Rayna didn’t even realize that there was a figure approaching her not far from her, and that person was holding a small bottle in his hand. .

Just when the man was approaching Suzi, he lifted the small bottle vigorously, preparing to pour it on Rayna’s face and neck.

The wife who came at this moment was sudden.

No one saw how that person appeared in front of Rayna.

All I can hear is that at this critical moment, Suzi’s voice screamed: “Rayna, get away!”

Rayna: “…”

She was dumbfounded, and then saw the woman with the small bottle in her hand pouring something on her face.

Suzi reacted immediately: “Be careful of sulfuric acid!”

Rayna was already frightened.

At this moment, Suzi was desperate.

Then, one arm blocked Rayna in time, and at the same time, the vial was blocked by the arm, and the liquid overflowing from it spilled on that arm.

“Oh…it hurts my lord!” Lenny immediately wailed.

Chapter 700

“I burned you A55 A55! I just want to make you shameless! I see how you seduce rich men! How could I make you better than me! You A55! It’s all you! Since your time has come to work After that, I began to retreat steadily. First my fiancé didn’t want me, and then Arron blocked me. The day before yesterday, you made me make a fool of myself at the Fu’s banquet!

You b!tch, you must die!


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