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Punished by His Love (FULL book) novel Chapter 706

Read Chapter 705 – 706 of the Novel Punished by His Love.

Chapter 705

“Perfect! Well, you won’t be allowed to kneel on the washboard, but you have to bring the only one over to me as soon as possible.” Suzi softly ordered.

“Good.” Arron’s voice was very gentle.

After speaking, he raised his eyes and glanced at the thirty subordinates present.

None of the subordinates dared to gasp loudly.

It is said that Siye Fu is very decisive, but he is afraid.

At this time, they really saw it.

This is what the family’s little wife asked Master to do, and Master did it!

It’s really worthy of the name.

“Husband bye bye.” Suzi finally said goodbye, mainly because she was afraid of affecting his rest.

“Pay attention to safety. When you go from the hotel to your hometown, hire a taxi and tell him to give him two thousand yuan a day and let him wait for you there.” Arron said.

“I know, husband!” Suzi just hung up the phone.

Arron’s heart was also drawn.

He knew that Suzi had always been independent, and that she could take care of herself no matter where she went, but he still couldn’t rest assured that she would go back to her hometown where she hadn’t been back in fifteen years.

But here, he must respond urgently.

Closing the phone, he calmly looked at the cronies present: “Go on!”

One of them spoke: “Four Lord, the reason why the three of Jarod’s family can escape so smoothly, Elder Shu will never get out of the relationship.”

The other person nodded: “It must be Elder Shu who mediated it.”

Immediately afterwards, the third person spoke: “Master Shu, is this the one who wants to help the island and fight against us?”

The fourth person: “Fourth Master, what do you think?” Arron remained silent. When his subordinates asked him, he nodded: “Yes! Elder Shu must have done this, otherwise they can’t escape.”

“Never forgive Elder Shu!” Someone suddenly patted the table.

“Yes! You must never spare Elder Shu!”

“This old man Shu, relying on your help to the Fourth Master in his early years, he really protected his ineffective granddaughter over and over again. For his granddaughter, he can do anything now. We are resolute. He can’t let him go on like this anymore!” The cronies have been following Arron in the North and South for more than ten years, and some have even assisted Arron when Arron was a teenager. Their relationship and relationship with Arron There are already copper walls and iron walls a long time ago.

So at this moment, they dare to speak.

However, Arron had his own plan in mind.

“If I sanction Mr. Shu now, then the Jarod family of three must be panicked on the island side, and their family of three will be panicked, and the entire island will be more alert to us. Then, if I want to take that island, it will It’s a bit more difficult than it is now.” Arron said slowly.

Faithful: “…”

Master was right.

One of them said: “Why don’t we…we will do everything?”

“Yes, all the tricks! Just let the Lin family of three think that it is safe for them to escape to that island.”

For a time, all cronies held this attitude.

Arron finally breathed a sigh of relief.

This was the direction he had formulated before the meeting, and he could not rush to startle, but he had to stabilize the hearts of these trusted followers.

Only in this way can he make his plans more thorough.

Taking that island, Arron is bound to win.

Since all three of the Lin family have taken refuge on that island, wouldn’t it be better to catch turtles in an urn?

“Okay, that’s it! The meeting is over!” As soon as Arron’s voice fell, his cell phone rang again.

He picked it up and saw that it was an unfamiliar number, and he immediately connected: “Hey…”

Chapter 706


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