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Punished by His Love (FULL book) novel Chapter 712

Read Chapter 711 – 712 of the Novel Punished by His Love.

Chapter 711

Now the first-class and second-class people really brought Suzi to Pan.

“Suzi, come, you come to the second grandfather’s house, and the second grandfather will talk to you in detail.” Although grandfather Shen Er is old, he is not confused. He knows that the people here are so messy and hard to talk.

Suzi looked at the people present, and then at the forklift worker who was about to break the ground. She said: “I am the owner of this house. Since I am here, you must give me an explanation, or I will lie down. Here, it depends on how you dig!”

Forklift driver: “…”

They are also part-time workers, and everything is arranged according to the above. The heads who are in charge of ordering the forklifts immediately called out. After a while, the heads sighed and shook their heads and said to the forklift drivers: “Eh, no way, we Work is temporarily suspended. After all, it is now people-oriented. The real owner of this house has come. When will we handle it? When will we start working again.”

As soon as the head spoke, the production car doors turned around and left.

They are all part-time workers. Who wants to make trouble these days?

The home of Suzi, which was about to start construction, was finally preserved.

In fact, it doesn’t make much sense. It’s just a few soil embryo houses with no roof. There are some extremely dilapidated furniture in the house, which has long been decayed, but even so, Suzi is still in the frame of his house, looking for it. Something.

Not to mention, she really found out a chapter of a photo taken with her parents when she was a child.

In the photo, Suzi is only five or six years old, and his mother is also very young. His father looks more than ten years older than his mother. Both father and mother seem to be honest and friendly people. The family of three is very warm.

Seeing this photo, Suzi quickly blurred his vision.

“Suzi, boy…” Grandpa Second shouted at the broken wrist.

Suzi immediately turned around, “Second Grandpa?” “Come here and come to my house.” Second Grandpa said.

Suzi nodded, put the photo away, and followed Grandpa Second to his house.

The people in the village pointed to Suzi, but Suzi couldn’t hear what they were talking about. As soon as Suzi walked in, they stopped talking, but they didn’t want to say anything, Suzi was just Staying here for a few days, picking up the ashes of parents, she will never come back again. Following the second master to the home, Suzi discovered that the second grandfather’s house was still a mess.

Suzi couldn’t help feeling sad: “Grandpa, how many years have you been…”

And the turnover shook his head: “We are poor and there is no one at home. Your little aunt and uncle have never dared to come back. They bought a house in the next county town to live in. They asked me to live with them. I am not used to it. I stayed at home, Suzi, the second grandfather called you here to tell you that the demolition money of your family was taken away by your cousin’s daughter.”

Uncle’s daughter?

Suzi had no impression of the uncle, let alone the daughter of the uncle’s family.

“Your cousin and aunt both eat commercial food. They have been living in the city. You left her at the age of twelve, so you don’t know them well. Your cousin’s daughter is two years older than you, and she is now there. When working in the county, when the demolition money was allocated here a while ago, it was the money that your cousin’s daughter came to receive, which was a full 300,000 yuan.

Suzi, that’s a lot of money, it’s enough for you to buy a house in the county seat. “The second grandfather was talking, and his throat was suffocated.

Suzi nodded: “I know, I know Grandpa Second, then how can I find my cousin now?”

In fact, 300,000 yuan is nothing to Suzi, but even if it is demolished, he must have the final say. Besides, the back of this house is the place where dad is buried. Although she Even if she didn’t come back, she knew that her mother must be buried with her father. “

Has the sister of this cousin’s family thought about how to house the underground parents?

Suzi decided to find his cousin.

“Your cousin and them all live on the scene, and now they are the people with curtains in the county, they…” Grandpa Shen Er said hesitantly.

At this moment, a sharp voice came from the courtyard: “I heard that Suzi is back! Where is it? I want to see where Suzi is! She dare to come back!”

Chapter 712

When Grandpa Second, who was talking with Suzi in the hall, heard the arrogant voice, he trembled in fright.


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