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Punished by His Love (FULL book) novel Chapter 724

Chapter 723

Arron hugged Suzi, “Suzi! You are calm! You are calm!”

Suzi: “I can’t calm down, Arron, I can’t calm down! I was jailed for Lanita! I haven’t seen my mother again since I was in jail. I came out two years later, but the Lin family told My mother is dead, Jarod personally told me that he buried my mother’s ashes in his hometown.

He told me in person!

After so many years, I want to come back and take a look at my mother.

I am pregnant.

For the child in my stomach, I can only give up going back to my hometown.

It’s all my fault!

My mother must be dead. What do you mean by my alive? “

Arron said firmly: “You still have one! You still have me!”

Suzi: “…”

“If your mother really has no bones left, you must at least avenge your mother!” Arron added calmly.

At this moment, Arron hated Jarod even more than Suzi!

If it hadn’t been for Jarod to pretend to be Suzi with Lanita six years ago, Suzi would not be desperate.

What’s even worse is that Jarod even lied to Suzi to take her mother’s ashes back to her hometown for burial!

This Jarod!

It’s enough to live!

“Arron…” Suzi cried down in Arron’s arms: “Why did you make me suffer for six more years? Do you know how I spent the past six years? I am afraid every day. I was worried that you would kill my child. Because of this, I couldn’t even come back to see my mother.

I’m sorry my mother! Woo woo…

Arron, I hate you!

I hate you!

I hate you! “

Suzi beat Arron on the chest.

Arron was heartbroken.

The person next to him watched this scene, and couldn’t help crying.

None of them dared to say anything.

Even the excavators that started construction didn’t dare to say anything. There were some people in this village who had a good relationship with Shen Cuishan. At this time, they didn’t dare to ask, where is Shen Cuishan?

No one dared to say anything.

At this time, Christopher came to Arron and Suzi, and Christopher reminded Arron: “Siye, I know that some of the information we have collected so far is not perfect, but I think you can tell your wife first?”

Arron has always been a very stable person.

He will not tell Suzi until his news is completely conclusive.

In fact, in the past few months, Arron has been investigating the past of Jarod and the past of Suzi’s parents. It’s just that it’s been so long, it’s difficult to investigate, and progress is pretty good.

And what the final result will be, Arron doesn’t want to let Suzi know.

He was afraid that it would be a bad result and was disappointing Suzi, so he kept the secret from Suzi.

At this time, after Christopher reminded him, Arron held Suzi’s face and said, “Suzi, there is one thing I haven’t told you. During the six years when you were exiled in Quxian County, your mother was caught by Jarod. The family was imprisoned for a while.”

Chapter 724


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